Page 27 of The Lies of Gravity

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He quickly shuffled his way up the bed a little, laying his head on the pillow before he reached his hands out for mine.

I climbed up on the bed, sitting astride him. He sat up, bringing his mouth closer to mine. Our lips were so close to touching, but I stopped him before our lips could meet.

“Wait,” I whispered. I placed my pointer finger over his lips. “What about you?”

“What about me?” he asked, repeating my question back to me. “What do you mean?” He looked very confused by my question.

“What changed for you regarding your ‘one night only’ rule?” I paused, suddenly worrying I had maybe read him wrong tonight. “Has it changed for you?”

“You mean, am I gonna lock myself in the bathroom or run out on you in the morning?” He chuckled at his joke, but I didn’t really find it funny. “Do you know why I acted that way?”

“No,” I whispered. I wanted so badly to know why I had been so easy to toss aside, but I was too worried that I wouldn’t like the answer to that question.

“I was afraid.” He swallowed harshly, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the movement. “Afraid that by being with you, by letting you in and giving you more than one night, that it would only leave me broken, and I wasn’t ready for that.”


“And now?” I asked him. I tightened my fingers on his shoulders. “After our talk tonight, all of that still stands. I will still return to London one day.” I flicked my eyes down to his chest. I wasn’t ready to see the truth reflected in his eyes at my statement.

He lifted his hand and placed his fingers beneath my chin. “I’d rather be broken by you, Luke,” he whispered, “than constantly wonder what it would have been like to burn in your eyes.”

I couldn’t have been able to keep the smile off my face if I had tried. “Is this the charming side of you that you warned me about?” I asked, threading my fingers through the back of his hair.

“That was a pretty good line, wasn’t it?” He grinned up at me with that sexy confidence of his. We both laughed when he asked me that.

I lowered my face down to his and pressed my lips to his. He gasped against my lips before I felt him squeeze my hips. The action rocked us slightly and as I began to lower him down to the bed, I knew that tonight would be the night I would remember as our first time.

Tonight would be the night I knew that would change me, break me open until I was no longer my own person. I would be his from the second I open my heart to him and as I pressed myself against him, I found I no longer cared.

He could twist me, break me and shatter me into a million shards. I would rather be a broken mess and be his for a short time than to go back to London without knowing what his touch felt like.

I slipped my hands beneath his t-shirt and began moving my hands up his ribs.

“I want to make love to you,” I whispered. I began trailing kisses down the column of his neck. “Will you let me, Freddie? I want to know how you feel.” I rocked against him before I reached down and lifted his leg. “I want to know how you feel when I make you fly apart.”

His hands shot down to my trousers, and he began to undo the button on my trousers.

“Not so fast.” I pulled back out of his reach and began to undo his trousers. If he took me in his hand, this would be over a lot quicker than I wanted. “Lift up for me.” I began to pull his trousers down and I was surprised to find that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

He smirked at me. “Now your turn.”

I stood up and walked to my chest of drawers. “Take your top off,” I demanded. I grabbed the lube and two condoms from my drawer and after tossing them on the bottom of the bed, I slid my trousers down and after kicking them away, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, loving the way that he hungrily watched me.

I pumped my hard cock a few times before I slid the condom over my length and climbed up the foot of the bed. I grabbed his shaft and lowered my mouth down over him. I sucked him hard and fast, wanting him as on edge as I was feeling. I was ready to explode, and I hadn’t even gotten my cock inside of him yet.

“Luke!” he gasped as I swirled my tongue around the head of him. “Luke, please!” he begged me.

“You taste good.” I ripped open the condom packet and slowly lowered it over him. I grabbed the lube and squirted a few drops into my hand before I reached between us. “If I hurt you…” I started. I slid one finger inside of him and then another, feeling him stretch around my digits.

“You won’t hurt me.” He rocked his hips, letting out the sexiest moan I had ever heard. “I can take you.”

I added a third finger before I placed my hands on either side of his hips. I kneeled closer to him and lined myself up with him. I leaned down and pressed my lips to the center of his chest as I slipped myself inside of him. I felt his muscles tighten around me, squeezing before they released.

“More, Luke,” he whispered. He rubbed his hand over the top of my head, grasping strands of my hair before he rocked his hips against me, causing me to slip further inside of him.

I groaned as he squeezed me and I knew I wasn’t going to last long inside of him. I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. I had planned to be soft and gentle with him tonight, but I was unprepared for how right it would feel being inside of him. I thrust my tongue against his, groaning when he sucked it in between his parted lips.

“Fuck! You feel so fucking good.” I pulled back before I pushed back in.
