Page 7 of Life is Guarded

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“Summer, my ko’u aloha,” he growled against my lips. “You’ll be too mesmerized by me to even notice when another man runs past.” Hudson brushed his lips against mine as I pushed against them, wanting more than just a taste. I wanted to taste the fire.

“Tease,” I muttered.

“Just being respectful and savoringmygirl,” he admitted as his fingers tickled precariously between the sand and my skin. “Do you like the sound of that?”

“I do,” I whispered as the wolf whistles and hollers of a dozen men running across the sand broke the trance we were locked in.

“Hudson’s got a girl,” one guy shouted as Hudson stood up and ruffled his hair.

“That was quick work,” another shouted.

“Calm it,” the voice bellowed as everyone stopped what they were doing to turn to face the man walking towards us. “Everyone give the guy a break. Drop and give a hundred before Hudson takes over.” He turned to face the two of us and gave me a large grin. The resemblance between the pair of them was unbelievable, except this guy had some extra gray and a mustache with some finer lines around the eyes. “Want to introduce us, H?”

“Yeah, of course. Where have my manners gone?” He looked all flustered as I stood up beside him and straightened my bright pink flowered beach skirt that had become tousled when I had sat down and the thin cotton crop top with my bikini straps hanging out underneath. I grabbed Hudson’s hand and gave it a squeeze, letting him know it was okay and to calm down. “This is Summer. She’s just moved into the yellow cladded house up the top.”

“Mrs. Akamu’s old place?” he questioned. “I’m Mason, this one’s dad, if you couldn’t tell.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m heading out tonight for another cooking class at Talia’s. May finally figure out Poi. Since Finn’s out with Jess.” I didn’t miss the quick shared glance that Hudson threw my way. “Why don’t you two spend some time at our place? I’ll give you two a minute and go and warm up.”

“Thanks, Dad. Sorry about him.” Hudson shrugged his shoulders at me. “I hope he didn’t make you feel too pressured or forced to come over, but he was right, it would be nice.”

“He didn’t…” I leaned forward and kissed him slowly and gently before pulling back. “It’ll mean we have some time alone without the chance of interruptions.”

“Summer, are you trying to kill me here?” He chuckled, before leaning back in for another kiss. “I have to work and show you that you have nothing to fear.”

“I’m beginning to realize I have to believe that—now go before you have some explaining to do.” I trailed my gaze down the length of his body before I licked my lips and sat myself back on the blanket. “I’ve got to watch a hot body and drool all over it.”

Hudson didn’t let me down with the experience as the time flew by watching him train. How had I not known how sexy running lengths with a torpedo buoy and seeing who could reach a marker the fastest be so hot? I mean, Hudson made the challenges he set the team seem effortless, even though you could tell a few of the guys were flagging. I wasn’t sure if that was from lack of keeping up a tight fitness regime or from the hot rays that pelted down on us from the sun. I was glad I’d thrown my bikini on underneath my outfit this morning and layers of sun cream as I took off my skirt and top and slipped the sunglasses off the top of my head to cover my eyes. I couldn’t help but squirm on the blanket when three of the men turned in my direction, staring at me. Normally I’d have hidden out of sight, allowing my subconscious panic to take hold, but all I saw was Hudson’s eyes. A calmness written within the depths of them and something that no other guy had warranted for me before: jealousy.

“I can’t stand the others looking at you like that,” Hudson uttered quickly, running across the sand, his eyes tormented as he struggled where to look. “These guys are starting to annoy me.”

“Hudson, please slow down.” I grabbed his hand at the edge of the tent doors. “Let’s talk about this in here in private. If you want me to leave, I will. We can meet up later, maybe?”

“Okay.” He nodded.

I made my way into the tent and unshed tears filled the back of my eyes. How did he do this? I saw the old wind-up radio in the corner and the photo collage that he’d hung on the wall of all the levels of the sea and what to expect underneath the ground. On the ground, he’d put seaweed and rock samples and hung fairy lights all inside alongside. It was a geek’s paradise or for me heaven. He’d thought of every possible area I’d struggle with and figured out a way in which he could support me. It may have seemed stupid to some, but with a fear like mine, it meant the world. I could tell what type of surface I’d feel under my feet to how a snorkel should work and what to do if it didn’t. These types of moments were the most valuable and worthwhile. It meant Hudson understood the real me. He wasn’t trying to change me as a person; he was trying to support me and help me live with my fear.

“Did I go too far?” Hudson asked sheepishly, his jealousy now gone and instead, all that remained was a shift of worry. Was he scared that he’d upset me? That I’d not like his gesture?

“Are you kidding?” I choked up. “Come here.” I pulled him into the tent and closed the tent doors, mindful that one of the guys or Hudson’s dad could disturb us at any time, and wrapped my arms around him. “Listen to me. No one has ever tried to help me before. I mean, I know I’ve not really let anyone in before, but it’s not hard with you.”

“I’m hardforyou…” Hudson cocked his head, and I couldn’t help letting my eyes roam before nudging him in the chest.

“Stop joking around.” I giggled.

“Who said anything about joking?” he replied, as he reached for the snorkel and held it up to his face. “I’ve some ocean safety class to teach first before I can even dare think about taking you back to mine and relieving some tension.”

“Is that a promise?” I lifted my brow as I reached forward for the snorkel as I took it from his hand, but instead, he dropped it to the ground. Hudson tangled his fingers around my wrist, teasing them around the length before catching my gaze.

“Absolutely, if that’s what you want, of course.” Hudson wet his lip as his eyes darkened in lust. “I’d never push you into anything you wouldn’t want to do.”

“Trust me, I wouldn’t let you.” I dived forward, desperate for a taste of his mouth, before whispering against his lips, “I know exactly how to use my mouth, wouldn’t you agree?”



