Page 44 of The Sins of Silence

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“Thanks,” Christopher said before leaning down to whisper in my ear. “I hope you’re ready to go to London, my pretty girl,because it feels like I’ve been waiting a long time to show you off.”

“I can’t wait, soldier boy. I can’t wait.”



Walking home after a night of drinks—well, for everyone except for Isobel and I—and hugs and congratulations from all, the four of us walked toward Isobel’s. She offered to stay at mine but all her stuff and her vitamins were at her apartment and I wasn’t taking any chances now when it came to her and our little bean. I wanted Isobel to be comfortable and with her now being my fiancé, I couldn’t wait to make a home with her. Whether that be at her home with Chrissie, at Luke and Freddie’s or in a place that we could make our own, her happiness was all that mattered. Hersandthe baby’s.

I grinned when she turned around and blew me a kiss as she walked ahead of me with her arm linked with Freddie’s. I gave her a cheeky wink, loving the way that she blushed before she turned back around.

“You’re having a baby!” Luke beamed at me as he walked next to me. “I knew she’d say yes but I didn’t see the baby thing coming.”

I laughed. “You’re not alone.” I tucked my hands into my jean pockets. “The proposal didn’t go how I had planned and then when she told me about…” I said while gesturing down to my stomach.

“What do you mean?” He frowned while flicking his eyes to me. “How did you plan to do it?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I didn’t really have a plan. I was just going to go with what felt right.”

“So, what happened?” Freddie called back to us as he looked over his shoulder, obviously listening in on mine and Luke’s conversation.

Isobel giggled as she tightened her hold on Freddie’s arm.

Luke waved his hand at me as he gestured for me to continue. “She, uh…” I scraped my finger across my jawline. “Isobel kind of found it in my jacket pocket while I went to the bathroom.”

“She rifled through your pockets.!” Luke exclaimed. Luke and Freddie both laughed loudly at that.

“It wasn’t like that.” She stopped walking and turned to face me. “I felt the box and I just…”

I slipped my arm around her waist and cuddled her closer to me. “And rifled through my pockets.” I leaned down and swiftly pecked her lips. “You can rifle through my pockets any day.”

“My hero,” she joked. We continued walking up the block and as Isobel’s building approached, I knew I would be staying with her tonight. We walked the rest of the way listening to general chit-chat from Freddie and Luke as we came to a stop.

“You coming home with us?” Luke asked. “Or are you staying with your girl?”

“Staying.” I watched as Freddie hugged Isobel and as I looked back to Luke, I saw his eyes were glistening. “What’s wrong?” I immediately reached out and rested my hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head and I thought that it may have been more to himself than me. “I’m so happy for you, brother.” He reached up and placed his hand on the back of my neck for a moment before he guided me into his arms. “You deserve this.”

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him to me. Luke had always been in my corner, always been my supportive friend. He was like the angel on my shoulder and a surrogate brother. I knew that would never change. Well, I hope that it never would.

“Thank you, Luke,” I choked out. We clapped each other on the back before I stepped away. I waited while Luke hugged Isobel and a moment later, they were waving at us as they walked away down the block. I stood there for a moment, watching my best friend walk down the street, hand in hand with Freddie. I tensed when I felt Isobel slip her small hand into mine.

“Is everything okay?” Isobel asked.

I looked down at her and parted my fingers, letting hers slip in between mine. “Everything is perfect,” I whispered. I leaned down and kissed her lips, moaning as I tasted the strawberry scent from her lip gloss. “Come on.” I gently tugged on her hand. “Let’s get you inside.”

I held the door open for her as I guided her inside. The only thing I wanted to do with the rest of our evening was to get Isobel into bed where I could hold her. After everything that was happening, I was trying so hard to remain calm and in control. I could not lose control with her. I just hated that I needed medication to stay out of my nightmare phase.

I wanted to be better by the time this baby came and I was determined to be a good dad to this little life that we would be bringing into the world. I knew that with my pretty girl by my side the future would bring only amazing things for our little family.

* * *

It had been two weeks since I had popped the question and after getting the all-clear from the doctor that Isobel was safe to fly and after googling the facts of pregnant women flying in the first trimester on way too many websites, we had made plans to visit Thomas and Lauren to share our news. I was surprised that Luke had kept his mouth shut for this long.

“Come on then, pretty girl.” I stood up and held my hand out for her to take and helped her up. I knew that nothing had changed about her body. There was no bump there yet but I had become more protective over her since she had told me I was going to be a daddy.

“Call us when you get there.” Luke stepped up and hugged me, clapping me on the back before he moved to Isobel. “You have a good time and get out and see some sights,” he said to her.

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