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The man standing before me lacks all of that though. There is a tragic emptiness in his eyes, like all the life had been sucked out of him…by life. I'd followed his injury recovery religiously, as I had every aspect of his career. The media had made it seem like he would be good to go in no time, but the man standing in front of me certainly wasn't sending that message. Quaid had always had this certain confidence about him that made you want to be his friend, do what he wanted, follow him anywhere.

What had happened to him?

I step away from Logan so that I can look at all three of them at once. For the first time, I’m able to get a good look at Logan. Logan was the golden boy growing up. The combination of his brain and looks always left me breathless, I couldn't decide which one I was more attracted to. The man standing before me had grown even more dangerous in that way. Like the other two, he's only grown more attractive over the years, but the gentleness that had always been there before is now nowhere to be seen. There is a sharpness in his gaze, a coldness, and despite the heat of the kiss we just shared, I find myself taking a step away from him, just because the look is such a stranger to me that I don't quite know what to do with it.

I clear my throat just then, making a decision at that moment. I was determined not to tell them about my sickness before this moment. I somehow envisioned that it would be easier to keep the four of us together than what I’m seeing right now.

But it is obvious by looking at the three of them that this isn't the case.

It’s going to take a different approach.

And one little lie really never hurt anyone…right?

Chapter 6




"Dad?" I hush out nervously, leaning against the kitchen counter as my father chops up some vegetables for tonight’s stir-fry.

"What is it, kiddo?"

“How would you feel if I went on a camping trip?”

“Hmm,” he mumbles, placing the knife on top of the chopping board to give me his full attention. “Is this a hypothetical question, or are you asking me for permission to go camping?"

"A little bit of both, I guess.”

"Then the answer would have to be a hard no,” he answers, going back to his task.

“Why not?”

My father stops what he’s doing once more with a loud exhale, and this time, turns to his side to face me head on.

“Val, I love that you are feeling empowered enough that you want to do all these new things, but you have to give me some time to wrap my head around all of them. It's not easy for me to let go so suddenly. You understand that, don’t you?”

“I do. I just needed to put it out there, in case you'd cave.”

“Well, that's not happening. Maybe next year.”

I maul my lower lip fretfully, not wanting this to be the end of this discussion.

“It's just this is the last week of summer. Next Monday, I'll be at this new school, and what if everything changes then?”

“Are you talking about the boys?”

I nod sheepishly.

“Those boys adore you. They have since the day they met you. Going to school won’t change that,” he explains with a confidence I don’t share.

“But they'll have all these other friends there. Friends that I don't even know.”

“I’m sure they’ll introduce you and make you feel welcome.”

“I guess,” I mumble.
