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"Just thought you two would like to know that Carter was able to snag reservations at the restaurant down below. Le Jules something or other."

"Le Jules Verne?" Valentina asks in surprise. "I tried to get reservations for there, and they said they were booked for the next two months."

"Evidently, Carter took some pictures for the restaurant a year ago and they were eager to get him in," Logan says with a shrug.

"That's perfect," she says breathlessly, and all I can think about is taking her back to a hotel and finding more ways to make her sound like that.

She'd always had this fucking effect on me, on all of us. Ten years, and the magic she was able to weave over me hasn't faded at all, and I’m a bit resentful of it actually. An hour in, and I'm ready to forget the past and maul her anywhere I can get her.

Growing aware of the fact that we’re in a crowded place and I’m basically a celebrity—at least in the States—I look around to make sure that no one is watching us or taking my picture. Whatever is going on with Valentina isn't something that I want to share with the whole world right now.

Luckily, everyone seems caught up in their own little worlds and distracted by the view.

Valentina gently moves around me, and Logan catches her hand, sending a wink over his shoulder as I scowl at him at how smoothly he was able to get her away from me.

This was always the problem. I don't want Valentina for part of the time—I want her all the time. As a kid, I was desperate for her attention. It was like a shot of adrenaline any time those haunting gold eyes met mine. Obviously, time hasn't lessened the effect, except now, I'm feeling even more desperate for her attention after missing out on it for so long.

As we walk back inside where Carter is waiting with a frown, I trace my gaze over Valentina's curves, frowning at how thin she looks. I'd always been a big fan of Valentina's body. Those curves featured in all of my teenage daydreams and were the star of every jerk off. They're barely visible now. Maybe from being sick?

Speaking of sick. It was sickening that I'd dated supermodels and actresses over the years, women the whole world considers the most beautiful on the planet. And none of them held a candle to the sight before me. It’s like I’m finally seeing beauty after a long drought.

I internally cringe, thinking about the fact that if Valentina has followed me like she says, she would have seen all of those mistakes. At least I didn’t have her dates in my face. That would have driven me insane.

She looks back over her shoulder, making sure I’m coming, and my heart starts racing just from that look alone.

Get ahold of yourself, I curse inwardly. She has basically crushed my soul. I need to at least make her work for it a little bit.

We go down the elevator to the second floor, and I whistle as we walk into the restaurant. A sharply dressedmaître’dgreets us, her eyes widening as she stares at our little group. What did the girls call it? Man Candy? Looking at Carter and Logan, I can grudgingly admit that the three of us make quite the group. The girls had always been crazy for us, even when we only had eyes for Valentina.

Before reuniting with Val, I probably would have taken this girl home for the night, after I ate dinner of course. But now she might as well be a fly on the wall for how little interest I have in her.

She smiles sweetly at Carter, her smile quickly dropping when the asshole asks to see the head chef in a bored tone that tells her exactly how little he thinks of her flirting. She stiffly walks away, returning with a ruddy-cheeked older man dressed in a white chef's coat.

He kisses both of Carter's cheeks, enthusiastically greeting us while salivating over Valentina…as any red-blooded male would do. I can’t even get jealous, as he’s so over the top.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle. What are you doing with this asshole?" he asks in a heavy French accent as he gives her another roguish wink. She giggles, and I want to live in the sound of her laugh.

I’m such a stupid fucker.

"I'll give you the best seat in the house. You'll leave this boy immediately after dinner, once you taste my food and see my city," he coos, offering his arm for Valentina to take. She laughs again, and both Carter and Logan's gazes soften as they watch her. Have they felt empty over the last decade as well? Do they already feel better tonight than they have since she'd left?

I could venture a guess.

Chef Ramsay, as he introduced himself, does indeed lead us to a table that looks to be one of the best in the restaurant. He pulls Valentina's chair out for her and puts her napkin in her lap with a flourish. With another wink, he whisks himself away from the table, promising to send out the best dishes we'd ever taste.

As soon as he leaves, silence descends. Valentina keeps her eyes peeled out on the view outside the glass, playing with the silverware on the table nervously.

"So what have you been up to all these years, gorgeous?" Carter finally asks, breaking the heavy silence.

Her eyes widen as she turns her attention back to us, almost as if she hadn't been prepared for the question. She opens her mouth, but nothing comes out, and she quickly closes it.

"Where did you go to school?" I prod.

Agony creeps across her face, and I wonder if there's a safe question that I can ask the lovely girl in front of me. I’m a bastard for feeling slightly mollified that the last ten years haven't exactly been roses for her.

It seems fitting that she should suffer as much as I have.

"I went to Oxford for undergrad," she says slowly. "My mother had moved there with husband number two, and after dad died, it seemed like the place to go."

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