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Valentina looks like she's about to cry.

"What's wrong, love?" Logan says worriedly, wrapping his arm around her waist and placing a soft kiss against her forehead.

Again, I'm hit with that déjà vu feeling, like the ten years haven't passed at all.

"It's just been a long time since I had anyone who cared," she says brokenly, before she actually does start crying.

Carter is looking at her like she is crazy, but I’m just jealous. I want to be the one to comfort her right now. The best I can do from across the table is to reach out my hand to grab hers.

We are getting stares. I don't think people usually burst into tears in Michelin star restaurants after all. One particular couple is staring hard.

"The onions are strong," I comment towards them loudly, and they quickly avert their gazes.

My antics garner a laugh from Valentina, and she's able to calm down a little. There are answering grins from Logan and Carter. It almost feels like we're a team again, one where our every mission is to keep a smile on this girl's face.

"Well, should we eat?" Logan asks, gesturing to the pile of appetizers at the table.

"This is one of my favorite restaurants in the world," comments Carter as he places a few items on his plate.

I snort at the haughty way he says it. "We're so cosmopolitan nowadays, aren't we, Carter?" I taunt.

Carter tries to glare at me, but I can see the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Apparently, there is a sense of humor in there somewhere.

It's an interesting thing though how immediately I've resumed my role in the group. I don't think any of my teammates would have labeled me as having a sense of humor over the last ten years. And now here I am, fucking cracking jokes like I'm Kevin Hart.

Who am I right now?

And who have I been the last ten years?

Chapter 8




“Are you nervous?” I ask Val, giving her a little nudge with my elbow to grab her attention.

“Is it that obvious?” She laughs as she continues to shuffle from one foot to the other, biting her lower lip and looking into the distance.

I know I should play it cool, but I can’t help it when my gaze slips off hers and fixes on that one spot on her mouth. Since the day Val kissed me, I have become mesmerized by her ruby full lips. Maybe even before then. Before she showed up in my life, I never really gave much thought about girls or their body parts. To me, they were just stupid and annoying. Maybe it’s because I have four older sisters who live to pester me twenty-four seven that I’ve always preferred to stay away from girls in general. I mean, I get enough of them at home as it is.

But Val is different.

There’s just something about her; something that grabs hold of me and won’t let me go, no matter how hard I try. Not that I’ve tried very hard. I like this unexplained feeling I always have when I’m around her. It’s like being on a rollercoaster ride, when your heart palpitates so hard, it feels as if it’s about to leap out of your throat as you ascend. And then when you hit that peak way at the top, you know that what comes next might be frightening, but also exhilarating. Then the cart tips down at full speed, your stomach sinks to the soles of your feet, and you grab onto the rail for dear life, hoping you don’t fall, but you’re excited facing such danger anyway. Being with Val feels like adrenaline is being pumped into my veins, making me strong and weak all at the same time. One minute, I’m scared beyond belief, and the next, I feel like I have super powers. It’s the best way I can explain being around her.

I wipe my hands on my jeans as I stare at her, something that usually happens twenty times a day now, since they always seem to be clammy anytime Val is near. I know she’s excited to start school today, but a huge part of me wishes we still had our summer days back. Every day since she arrived, the guys and I spent each and every moment we could with her. Even Carter, who lives to be locked up in his room, came out to spend time with us. That’s how magical Val is. She’s even caught his attention, and we all know how much Carter hates people in general.

“I have to say I have never seen someone so anxious to ride a school bus before.” I chuckle, trying to coax Val out of her anxious state.

“Oh God. I must look pathetic to you, huh?”

“It’s cute you’re excited.”

“Are you making fun of me?” She cocks a brow with a playful smile.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Your dad would wring my neck if I made fun of his little girl,” I tease, and look behind her to see the man in question, fidgeting on his porch as much as his daughter is beside me. “Speaking of which, I think he looks more nervous than you do.”
