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“Mr. Trott won’t say anything. Don’t worry,” I try to console, but she’s too freaked out and embarrassed to take my words to heart.

“I just want to go home,” she says and pulls away from me, heading in our street’s direction.

"I'll take you."

“No. You'll get in trouble if you skip class.”

“So, I get in trouble. You’re my friend, and you need me.”

She doesn't say anything and walks beside me, silent for most of the way. By bus, it’s only a ten-minute drive to get to our street, but on foot, it’s a good half hour.

“I don't even know what to buy,” she mumbles under her breath, breaking the silence between us.

"What do you mean? Like tampons and stuff?" I ask, gaining another weird look from her.

"How are you so comfortable about talking about these things when I'm completely embarrassed by it? You’re a guy. You should be cringing at the bare mention of a period.”

"I’ve got four teenage older sisters and a mom who doesn't believe in boundaries. Trust me, if it’s about anything pertaining to a woman, I know about it and am immune to any awkwardness,” I joke, clasping her hand in mine.

“It must be nice,” she whispers, longing tainting her hushed words.

“Not for the only boy, it’s not. I'm always outvoted on mostly everything in my house.”

“I wish I had a girl who was a friend or an aunt or a m—” She swallows the last word before it passes through her lips.

A mom.

That’s what she was about to say.

Yeah, I guess when shit like this happens to a girl, it’s only natural to want a mom to talk to.

"Guess you’re in luck, because you got me. I might not be the girlfriend you want, but what I lack in estrogen, I have everything else in spades. Just another perk of being raised with a bunch of girls.”

Even though it was supposed to make her laugh, Val keeps her eyes locked on the sidewalk, still distraught.

“Is your dad home?”

“No. He had to go into town to visit a construction site today. He said he'd be home before I got out of school though. Bet he never imagined I wouldn’t even make it the first hour,” she laments, kicking a small pebble in her way.

“Then you're coming to my place,” I decide, steadfast.

“Won't your mom be upset you ditched?”

I shake my head reassuringly. Of course my mom will be pissed, but when she sees the state Val’s in, she'll understand I had no option but to be with her. At least, I hope she understands. When we finally walk into our neighborhood, I keep my hold on her hand so she doesn't run over to her house instead of coming over to mine. I use the key to the front door and hear the humming sound of a vacuum upstairs. Since my sisters are all at school, Mom is doing some cleaning.

“Stay here, okay?” I plea, to which Val offers a stiff nod.

I run up the stairs, at quick speed since I don’t want to leave Val on her own too long in case she bolts or something. When I poke my mom on her shoulder she jumps startled.

“Sweet Mary mother of Jesus, you frightened me, Logan!” she shouts with both palms on her chest. “What are you doing home, boy? Are you sick?” she asks, scanning my body up and down for broken limbs.

“No Mom, but I do need your help.”

I tell her what happened to Val, and instantly, her face softens.

“Where is she now?”

