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"Life isn't fair, kiddo. You above all should know that by now."

Dinner is quiet.

Too quiet.

Usually, our dinner table is full of Quaid’s addictive laughter, but this evening, even my jokester best friend knows to keep his mouth shut. I clear the table and start doing the dishes, Quaid beside me, drying them as I pass each plate to him. Dad keeps to his seat, obviously not wanting to leave me alone with Quaid either. It’s not fair. Quaid throws me a questioning look from time to time, but I feign ignorance, not wanting to tell him why my father is so upset with me.

Once I'm done with the dishes, Dad orders me to my room. I bite my lower lip in anger, but I do as he says. I'm almost at the top of the stairs when Quaid's irate voice reaches my ears.

"Why are you being a total bag of dicks to Val, Mr. E?" he questions, disdain lacing his every word. Leave it to Quaid to ask my father what’s wrong so eloquently.

"Quaid, maybe you should go home tonight. I'm really not in a talking mood," my father replies, sounding as defeated as I feel.

"Nope. Not going to happen. Not until you tell me why you’re giving Val the silent treatment."

"You're not going to like what I have to say."

"I don't care. Just tell me so I know how to make it right. Val looked like she was about to cry all throughout dinner."

"You're a good kid, Quaid. But you're still just that a kid, with a pure heart and good intentions. Not all of your friends are as noble."

"What do you mean?" Quaid asks confused.

"Promise me you won’t do something stupid?"

"I guess."

"I caught Val and Carter making out in her room earlier today."

Quaid is silent, and my heart falls to the pit of my stomach, wondering what he must think of me.

"I'll kill him!" Quaid shouts, and I hear a commotion coming from downstairs, my front door opening and then forcefully shutting back closed again.

"You will do no such thing, kid," my father commands. "This was bound to happen eventually. I could have easily walked in on you or Logan with their lips wrapped around my daughter. Don't think I don't know that." My father lets out another frustrated exhale, revealing he knows more than he lets on.

"I would never disrespect you like that, Mr. E. Not in your own house."

"You say that now, kid, but in a few years, your libido will make the decisions for you. I always knew this was going to happen eventually. I just thought I had more time. I mean, you just started high school."

"I'll talk to Carter," Quaid says adamantly, steel in his tone.

"Really and say what?"

"That he needs to keep his stupid hands off Val!"

"And what about Logan? Or you? Will you do the same?" my father asks unconvinced.

A long pregnant pause ensues, and with each passing second, I feel my face heat up.

"It's normal to have the feelings you all have for each other and want to put them into action. But all four of you need to tread carefully. What you have is very unique and precious, but one wrong move or selfish act can harm what you are building. I fear none of you are ready for what's to come, and it’s my job to prepare my daughter’s heart in any way I can. Even if she hates me."

"Val could never hate you, Mr. E."

"If I keep her away from all of you, she will. I know that. I just wish she understood you all still have so much to sort out before getting physical."

"You mean sex, don't you?" Quaid hushes embarrassed, and I have to clasp my hands over my mouth to keep my gasp from being heard downstairs.

"Yes, son. I do. Even though you boys are sixteen and look like men, that doesn't mean you aren't children. Your bodies might be ready for that type of intimacy, but your brains and hearts are not. It’s my job as a parent to help my baby girl navigate through that, even if right now, she doesn't understand it. An innocent kiss can only quench your thirst for each other for so long. But when you all take that next step, then you will need to also face its consequences."

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