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Fingers wrapped my throat, and he dragged me close. This time, his touch was firm but not painful, just commanding.

“The next time I catch you,” he whispered, “I’m going to hurt you.”

“Not if I hurt you first.” My voice came out ragged, not as strong as I wanted. I ran my hands up his hard chest, up his throat to his stubble-covered jaw. I managed to get my fingers around the edges of his goggles and tried to yank them away.

He let go of my throat with one hand to catch my wrists in his other hand, his grip bruisingly hard. “Always plotting.” His lips grazed my throat, his hot breath seeming to go straight to my core. I wasn’t cold anymore; adrenaline flooding my body had filled me with heat.

He let out a laugh, then suddenly released my throat. “Run.”

I ran.

“Right, left, left,” I whispered under my breath, taking the turns at a dangerous speed when I couldn’t even see. I was so close to escaping them, back to the comparative safety of the Sphinx.

Not that these men couldn’t drag me right back down here, but I had the gut feeling we’d all honor the spirit of these twisted games. They might come up with something even crueler to throw at me next, but they wouldn’t repeat the same ruse.

Then there was a stone wall in front of me. Before I could turn, a body slammed into mine, forcing me up against the wall. A hard cock jutted against the curve of my ass, and I struggled to escape, but there was no moving the big, muscular man who pressed against me.

His hand wrapped my thigh, his thumb teasing between the seam of my legs, brushing against my clit.

“Leave me alone,” I gasped, the weight of his body pressing me against the stone painfully. My exposed nipples were being pressed against the rough wall, and the only give was between his hips and mine so he could rub his fingers hard and mercilessly through my wet heat. Despite myself, my core squeezed painfully, wanting more of his rough touch.

“Never,” he promised me, his voice dark. “You’ll never escape us.”

Was Cain here in the dark, or even Stellan and Pax too, surrounding us? I couldn’t be sure–his hands seemed to be everywhere in the dark as he dragged me back slightly away from the wall. Hands stroked over my body, palming my nipples, pinching and toying with them, rubbing against my clit, teasing the curve of my ass. In the darkness, it was as if he took over all my senses.

He kept his merciless tempo up between my thighs, driving me toward orgasm, his cock teasing steadily between the curve of my ass. I struggled to get away, which seemed to just make his cock harder and bigger, his tip gliding against the curve of my ass and across my wet folds.

Despite how much I struggled, I also couldn’t help grinding down on his fingers, seeking release there. My knees went weak, my thighs beginning to tremble, but it didn’t matter that my legs were turning boneless. His lips teased against the curve of my throat, and the gentleness of the kiss he pressed there surprised me so much I stopped struggling for a second.

“I told you I’d hurt you,” he warned, and the next second, his teeth sank into my skin. Pain seared into my throat. I let out a gasp and arched back at the pain, which pushed my hips into the stone wall, trapping his hand. I couldn’t believe he’d just bitten me so hard, and he sucked now, marking me, drawing my blood into his mouth.

Then suddenly, he released me, and I fell to my knees in the darkness.



Iclimbed to my feet, my clit throbbing even though I was furious. I started moving again, preparing myself for the next attack. I wanted to find a way to turn on the lights, which would temporarily blind them in their night vision goggles. I hadn’t known there were so many doors and hallways down here; apparently there were hidden doors that were only known by certain depraved men of the Sphinx.

I could feel him coming after me. A thin stream of blood trickled down my throat, down my shoulder, even wetter than the feeling between my thighs as I ran. My breath came in short gasps, a mix of desire and rage and fear, and as much as I tried to calm myself down and think clearly, I was losing myself to something more animalistic.

I wanted to tear him apart. I wanted to rip my teeth into his skin too. I wanted to hurt him…and I wanted his fingers in my hair, his lips on my throat. I wanted to make him nice to me again so I could hurt him all over again.

Everything between us was broken and jagged, and so were we.

I stepped on something soft and almost slipped. I was several feet beyond it when I realized what it was.

My bra.

I’d gone in a circle. Fuck. Panic hammered in my chest. I couldn’t get away from him.

This time, when he caught me, I didn’t fight.

His lips claimed mine, his hands sliding into my hair, pushing me against the wall so hard the stone scraped my bare skin.

“Please,” I begged him, all to distract him, to slow him down, as I reached into his pocket for his phone. “You’re scaring me.”

“You should be scared to fuck with us,” he said, just before he kissed me so hard it left me breathless, as if he were stealing the last of the air from my lungs. I drowned in him worse than I had in any cistern, any well. His tongue plundered my mouth, thrusting against my tongue in long, powerful strokes, his hips swaying against mine over and over. He drove me into the wall, and my fingernails sank deep into his shoulders, trying to push him away.
