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Here they went again, alluding to something mysterious and leaving me out of it.

Fucking bullshit.

As we pulled onto the main road, I saw that the campus police had arrived, and they were currently trying to herd the maniacs off school property. I ducked my head down as we passed so none of them could see me.

We pulled in front of the Sphinx, and Paxton and Remington looked back at me.

“What?” I asked as I opened the door and neither of them made any move to join me.

“Go ahead and get inside. I have to deal with the fact that the senator’s body has just been discovered. Time for me to play the mourning dutiful son and get all the assets transferred,” said Remington. I hated that the senator would no doubt be remembered as a pillar of the community to the sheep in the country who didn’t know the monsters that lurked under their leaders’ skin.

Honestly, I should win a fucking Oscar for the fact I was able to keep my face entirely blank. He was so going to freak when he realized how much of his money had been transferred to my accounts.

But he did owe me.

“No problem,” I said cheerily, and Paxton and Remington both shot me a weird look.

Right. I didn’t do cheery. Maybe cancel the Oscar.

I got out of the car before I gave anything away, and then I remembered something. Remington’s window was down and I leaned in close.

“Remington. What’s the code to the door?” I asked sweetly.

“Demon’s daughter,” he said with a laugh as the car suddenly sped away, barely missing taking my head off.


I darted to the door, just in case there were any demon worshippers walking around, and typed in the code Remington had given me.

It was shocking when the door actually opened.

Miracles really did happen.

I walked towards my room and froze when I saw that my door was cracked open. I definitely remembered locking it before I’d left the room. Cautiously, I pushed the door open, keeping my body plastered behind the doorway just in case there was a psycho in there ready to attack.

When I peeked in, though, it was just Stellan. Sitting on my bed and staring at a piece of paper he was holding.

“I think I’ve told you boys I’m not fond of breaking and entering, especially when it’s in my room,” I said sarcastically as I walked in.

Stellan looked up, his face a blank mask that had me stopping in my tracks.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, if you honestly think I did that to the Senat—” My words were cut off when he thrust the piece of paper he’d been looking at into my hands.

Nausea exploded in my stomach when I realized it was a printout of a picture, one that I’d never seen before but clearly remembered someone taking. In the picture, Sofia and I had our arms around each other, and we were giving the camera huge smiles.

It would have been a nostalgic, perfect photo if not for the face peering out of the window of Sofia’s house behind us.

It was the Demon, and he was smiling widely. Fuck.

“Stellan—” I felt a prick in my neck, and I turned around to see Stellan with a syringe in his hand.

“What are you?” I slurred, whatever he’d injected me with spreading through my veins like a wildfire.

“I’m going to find out the truth no matter what, Delilah,” he murmured as I stumbled towards him. I fell forward and he caught me, smoothing my hair away from my face. “And you’re going to help me.”

Then everything went black.
