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“Actually, can the three of us talk inside?” I ask Pike as I hand Indie her water bottle.

“Thanks,” she says.

“Yeah, okay,” Pike says, pushing himself up and out of the pool.

“Uncle Pike, you’re getting back in, right?” Jasmine asks hopefully.

“Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back,” he says.

He picks up a towel from a chair and dries his face off, then wraps it around his waist.

“Dry off before you go in,” Indie tells him. “Otherwise, I’ll have to mop again.”

Pike silently obeys her request and Pax gives him an amused grin. He seems to know better than to make a pussy-whipped comment, though.

“This better be important,” my brother grumbles, taking the beer I brought out for him and shoving the lime wedge down into the bottle.

“Yeah, it’s uh…” Pax wraps a hand around the back of his neck again and squeezes. That seems to be his nervous habit. “Let’s just go inside and I’ll tell you.”

“Kylie?” Pike’s eyes are wide with shock about five minutes later. “You told her you’re dating my sister?”

Pax shrugs helplessly. “I was like a deer in the headlights, man. She was about five seconds away from grabbing my dick, so I just said it. Kylie was the only single woman I could think of.”

“She’s not single,” Pike grinds out, eyes narrowed.

“You’re not?” Pax turns to me, his eyes filled with remorse. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were seeing someone.”

“I’m not,” I assure him. “I don’t know what he’s talking about. I’m about as single as they come.”

“Not like that!” Pike jumps up from a leather chair in his home office. “She’s not single to you, or anyone else on the team, or any other pro athlete.”

I glare at my brother. “Pike”

“Kylie, you don’t even know,” he cuts in. “I know these guys. They follow their dicks around and have no scruples. I’m not letting you”

Pax and I object at the same time.

“Hey, I’m not like that,” he says.

“Oh, you’re not letting me what, exactly?” I stand up and cross my arms.

Pike gives me an exasperated look. “I’m just looking out for you, okay? Maybe I could have phrased it better, but the point is, you’re not dating any of my teammates. Ever.”

Pax interjects. “It’s not real. I just need her to pretend to date me to keep Cassidy at bay.”

“Why would that help?” Pike snaps. “She’s not the type of woman who cares if you have a girlfriend.”

“No, but I care. I can’t tell Cassidy she makes my balls shrink up inside my body. My ass would be in a permanent sling.”

Pike practically snarls at him. “Don’t discuss your balls in front of my sister, douchebag.”

“That’s enough,” I say firmly, leaning back against the wooden desk in the center of Pike’s home office. “Sit down, Pike.”

He does, but he’s still glaring daggers at Pax.

“Pike, not a word out of you until we’ve given him a chance to talk,” I caution. “What would I need to do, Pax?”

“Um, just be willing to say we’re dating if anyone asks. Maybe come to some of our home games and sit with the other wives and girlfriends. We’ll need to go on some dates, just dinner and that kind of thing.”

Steam is practically rolling out of my brother’s ears. Elbows on his knees, he buries his face in his hands.

“I won’t try anything,” Pax promises. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. I bounced around from team to team for years and I want to stay here. Pike, you know how hard I busted my ass in the off-season. I’m invested in this team, and I don’t want to get traded just because I won’t date the new owner’s daughter.”

His sincerity is evident. It’s in his tone, his posture, and those mahogany eyes, which I’m guessing give away his every emotion.

“Of course,” I say, not caring about Pike’s opinion. “It’s ridiculous that anyone would ever be put in this position. If her thinking I’m your girlfriend takes the heat off you, I’d be glad to do it.”

Pike scowls at his teammate. “If you touch my sister, I’ll kill you. Slowly.”

Pax shakes his head and rolls his eyes before making eye contact with my brother. “I’m not going to pretend to act all scared. We both know you wouldn’t stand a chance against me, man. But I love you and respect you. You have my word this is just a ruse.”

“A what?” Pike furrows his brow, confused. “You and your fucking crossword puzzle words. I swear to god.”

“Fake,” I explain. “A charade. Not real. No slapping body parts involved.”

Pike squeezes the arms of his chair and leans back, looking up at the ceiling. “I will remove his balls with pliers if he touches you, Kylie. Just remember that.”

I look over at Pax, arching a brow. He shakes his head, clearly not afraid of Pike getting close to his family jewels. Still, he doesn’t antagonize Pike by telling him that yet again.
