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I smile at my mom.

“I know Uncle Pike is acting like he’s mad at Pax,” I say, “but he’s just being an overprotective brother. Pax has been nothing but great to me.”

My daughter scowls. “Doesn’t he have his own wife and kids?”

My heart cracks open as I think about Angie and Jack. That’s not my story to tell, though.

“No, Jas. He’s single.”

“Can Uncle Pike come to my gymnastics meet in Phoenix?” she asks, deftly avoiding the issue.

Push it or drop it? I don’t know the right answer. But since I only have a few hours with her until bedtime, I decide to make them peaceful ones.

“I’ll ask him,” I say. “I’m sure if he doesn’t have a game, he’ll be there.”

“He’s never seen me do a backflip. He’s going to freak out.”

The subject of Pax doesn’t come up again. My heart is heavy when I text him while lying in bed a few hours later.

Me: I’m sorry again about last night. I’m thinking of putting Jasmine in counseling. I don’t know how long it will take for her to be comfortable with the idea of us, and I understand if you want to move on.

Three dots pop up on the screen, and I hardly breathe as I wait for his response to appear.

Pax: I don’t want to move on. You’re the only woman I want. Take the time you need to focus on Jasmine. I love you even more for being such a good mom.

He loves me? I’m giddy as I read the words over and over. I’m pretty sure I love him, too, but with things so up in the air, I want to wait to say it.

Me: Thank you. I miss you and appreciate you so much.

Pax: Miss you too, baby. I’m giving you space, but I’m always here when you need me.

Me: Hope I get to see you soon. But if I don’t, know it’s not because I don’t want to.

Pax: Same here. Take care of your girl and the rest will work itself out.

Chapter Twenty-One


Everyone in the locker room is smiling. Even Coach, whose baseline is a slight frown, is grinning and laughing.

We just smoked the Chicago Blaze 5–1. It’s not just the win that has us all flying high, but the way we played. I don’t think we’ve ever played so cohesively. When our team began with players that established teams didn’t value enough to protect during the expansion draft, all of us had something to prove.

Tonight, we did just that. And it feels damn good.

Chicago’s starting goalie, Jonah West, is out for a few weeks with an injury. Our first-line offense showed Chicago’s backup that he’s no Jonah West.

“Let’s take that momentum on the road with us Tuesday, boys,” Maverick says. “Feels pretty fucking good to win big, doesn’t it?”

Everyone cheers, and despite the situation with Kylie, I feel good. I worked my ass off for this. I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been. And it’s not like I’m giving up on Kylie. I’ll never do that.

Whatever it takes. That’s what Hector told us when we started training and working with him. Don’t set limits on what you’re willing to do to reach your dreams. And while winning is my professional dream, Kylie is my personal one.

Kylie and Jasmine, actually. When I saw that little girl’s scowl the other night, I didn’t see someone who hates me. She’s protective of her mom, and because of what they’ve been through, Jasmine knows things can go bad. People can leave you, sometimes through no fault of their own. She’s been hurt.

My disappointment is different from hers, but I can still identify how she’s feeling. Even all these years later, I remember seeing my friends with their parents and wishing mine wanted to be around me like they did. I dreamed my dad would coach one of my sports. Just one season. Any sport, even basketball. I wanted my friends to see that he wasn’t just a basketball star, but that he was also my dad.

“Pax, can I take a look at your shoulder when you’re ready?” One of our trainers, Chris, says from nearby.

“Yep. Can I shower first?”

“Yeah, whenever you’re ready.”

My left shoulder hit the boards hard during the game and I think it’s fine, but Chris likes to be thorough and check every possible injury. He looks at his clipboard and goes to the next name on his list.

“Dane, are you still having groin pain?”

Eli cuts in before he can answer. “Only from jerking it for hours at a time.”

Dane scoffs. “What can I say? Those nudes your mom sent me are fucking hot.”

“Shit, my mom wouldn’t give you the time of day.” Eli laughs.

“How’s the groin?” Chris asks, ignoring their back-and-forth.

“It’s fine,” Dane says.

“It is sore?” Chris presses.

“I’ll come see you after I shower.”
