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Sex with each of them. Plus, the hard-to-pin-down 'take us into your heart.' All to save our world, their world, and fulfill a prophecy. Pressure is an understatement for what I'm feeling right now. But I had already decided to be their mate, to stay here for this fight and see it out to the end. So does it matter what they call this whole thing?

I'm not sure.

And like I don’t know the time is falling away, Dusk clears his throat. “There isn’t much time until nightfall. It’s a lot, but you have to decide. Now, if you can. Because there are already signs of my father's men coming back, and if they can come back, father is getting strong enough to protect them here. Which means he's strong enough to come back. Which means... he's strong enough to come back foryou.”

For me. Great. Just great.

"We don't want you to say yes just because of all of this," Phantom says, giving an apologetic look. "We'll keep fighting, keep trying, even if you never agree to be ours."

Dusk clears his throat. "And Rayne has agreed to go along with whatever you want."

"So, what do you want to do?" Phantom levels me with a look that carries all the weight of this decision.

Oh yeah. I’ll just maybe have a little sex, save the human race. All in a night’s work.

Everyone stares, and I open my mouth, not knowing exactly what I'm going to say. Well, maybe knowing what I’m going to say, but not how to say it.



I watch her,waiting for her answer. Every change of her face enchants me, wraps me deeper in her spell, and for once, I don’t care. That’s part of the mating bond, this inability to resist her, but I can’t find it in me to try to stop it. It's clear she's working through a thousand things in her mind. I find myself holding my breath.

What if she rejects us again? What if she concludes that she can never be with us? Or that all of this is more than she can handle?We're warriors. We're prepared to die from a sword or experience physical pain. We aren't prepared for the kind of heartache this woman seems to be able to wound us with.

Her lips part again, and my breath burns in my chest. “Okay.”

Okay? Did she just accept us to be her mates with that one simple word? I'm shaking, pure joy exploding inside of me.

I glance at her and smile because I want this to be something she wants as much as we want and need it. “Okay.”

What more can I say?I want to leap up and cheer. I want to thump my brothers on the back. I want to race around the woods and howl at the moon. But 'okay' is enough for now. It's not a word that scares her. It's simple, with no pressure.

"And we should probably do it soon," she continues, rubbing her palms on her pants as if nervous.

Rayne glares, and I actually hear his knuckles crack from clenching his hands so hard, but then his gaze catches mine. He gives a small nod, acceptance spilling over his face. I don’t need his permission, only hers, but I’m grateful for it just the same.

“I don't think I can handle... all three of you at once." Ann looks like her cheeks might catch on fire. "Can I start with one of you?"

"Yes," Dusk and I say, while Onyx signs the word.

Then, we all stare.

She gives a nervous laugh. "So, who should I, uh, start with?"

"Whoever you want," I tell her, although my body doesn't seem to be able to accept that. Instead, my erection has already sprung up, demanding I give it attention. Demanding that this woman's acceptance of us,finally, should begin right now, this second. And that the only pause between now and being inside her should be tearing off her clothes.

Not that I'd listen to the horny bastard.

Her gaze moves over all of us while she nibbles her bottom lip, a movement that gets my treacherous cock even more excited, before her gaze lands on me. "I could start with you?"

Oh, boy.A shudder rolls through my body. "If you wish."

Onyx and Dusk cast me envious looks, then head out of the cave.

Rayne lingers, then looks at me. "If anyone should hurt her..."

"I'd kill them myself," I tell him, meeting his gaze. I hope he realizes that I'd rather cut my arm off than hurt my mate.
