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A smile dances on her lips as she lets her tongue dart out over and over again as my erection jerks in her grip. And then she leans forward and sucks my tip so hard I almost explode right into her mouth.Almost. But then I'm pulling on the back of her head, trying to get her away before I embarrass myself.

To my relief, she stops, still grinning. Panting. Looking at my dick like she wants to taste it again.

But if she does, I'm gone. So, instead, I push her back and lay on top of her. Almost instinctively, her legs come around my hips even as her hand reaches between us and continues to stroke me, to squeeze with enough pressure to turn my dick to stone. I’ve never wanted or been wanted with such urgency. She needs to release me. She needs to let me bury myself in her before it's too late.

Pushing her hand away, I place it above her head and loosely grip both her wrists in mine. I press kisses down her throat, take another minute to suck on her exquisite breasts, then begin to rub her wet folds once more. And God damn, my mate is wet. I brush my thumb over every inch of her core, circling her clit then rubbing it, hard for a minute, enjoying the sound of her gasp, before I go back to circling it once more.

"Phantom, please, damn it, please!"

Oh, fuck.She doesn't need to beg me when we both want the same thing.

I pull my hand away from her and settle deeper between her thighs, while her legs wrap around me more tightly. For a minute I tease us both by letting the tip of my cock play in her wet folds, sliding it all around, making us both curse and cry out. But when a warning shudder moves through my body, I stop, knowing she's ready. Knowing I'm ready.

It's time.

My cock sits at her opening, and I ease into her, once inch at a time. My Ann is tight. But that's not a surprise. She's so tiny beneath me. My cock should be more than enough for her. And it is. The deeper I go, the more tightly she holds me. Every time it feels like there isn't enough room, I pause, letting her adjust to me until her legs tighten around me once more, urging me to keep going.

It seems to take a lifetime before I reach my hilt. Until we're both panting, ready, wanting more. And I have to grit my teeth when I pull back out, then plunge in again, because this is everything. Everything I've ever wanted and more. My cock feels like a fucking lightening rod, alive with every nerve, overwhelmed with desire. It's screaming to take this woman hard and fast, but I keep a handle on my control and ease into her over and over again, starting slow and building faster.

I groan with the perfection of how she meets every plunge of my cock, how she uses her legs like a vice to hold me and pull me in. She strains against the hand that holds her wrists, but not to get free, just to give herself more leverage. Not that she needs it.

Need and pleasure swirl, mingle, build inside me until I’m barely hanging onto whatever control she’s left me. Then the spiral starts and my head throws back. I have no power to stop it. My entire body tenses and hers along with it. Our orgasms come at the same perfect moment, and stars explode before my vision as we cry out in one voice and ride the waves of the passion, clinging to one another until the tremors quit and our breaths come normally.


I roll away and lie beside her, gather her close to me. “Yes. Damn.”

She smiles and brushes her hand over my chest, then presses a kiss against my nipple and I breathe in as pleasure skitters over me. I pull her up for another kiss and when we part, she smiles.

I’ve never been so happy.

“I, uh, am supposed to have sex with Onyx and Dusk now? Afterthat?" She sounds incredulous.

I laugh. "You'll grow used to us and our appetite. Before too long, you'll be the one demanding we meet your needs. I swear it."

"And I believe it," she grumbles, but she does so with a satisfied smile.



Onyx,Dusk, and Rayne have come back. I stretch languidly beside Phantom, wrapped in his blankets, feeling both comfortable and oddly vulnerable. At least until I see the look of raw desire on their faces when they stare at Phantom and I. Even Rayne's expression is one of need versus anger or jealousy, which is oddly reassuring. If he can handle seeing me like this in Phantom's arms, he can probably handle just about anything.

"Finished?" Dusk asks, and there's arousal in his voice.

My gaze runs over him, feeling oddly sexually alive. Dusk might be the younger brother to Phantom, he might be a little smaller, a little less muscular, but he has a different kind of attraction. It's like being asked to choose between donuts and ice cream. Sometimes you want one. Sometimes you want the other. But still, other times, well, you just might want to gorge yourself on both. And right now, freshly satisfied from Phantom, I would have never thought I could handle more, but apparently, my body has other ideas. Ideas about comparing Dusk and Phantom in ways I've never compared before.

If I was a cat, I'd be purring as I take the big shadow beast in. Dusk's hair isn't tied back the way it usually is. Instead, it's been left long, flowing about his face, flowing onto his shoulders. He looks beautiful in a way most men aren't. It softens the tough warrior a bit, in a way I absolutely love. And those pale blue eyes of his are burning with desire under his dark lashes.

I lick my lips, trying to find the words to tell him how I feel.

And then Onyx signs, "Regrets?" There's more to his signs, but that's what I manage to pick out with his fast-moving hands.

My gaze lingers on him as another wave of desire flows through me. It's clear Onyx isn't their brother in blood. Not just because of the fact that his hair is blond and his eyes are a brown so deep they almost look black. It's something in the lines of his face. They're somehow harsher. I think Phantom and Dusk could be models in the human world, or bodybuilders who model. But Phantom? I'm pretty sure no matter how he dressed or where he was, he'd be the kind of man people rushed away from. A man people feared. Almost like a god among humans. He just radiates a dangerous energy, one that I've realized is mostly a façade. But a part of me wants to see this powerful warrior in my fae world. Part of me can imagine taking these men back to my home and having them at my side while I rule my lands.

"Say something," Rayne says, followed by an uncomfortable laugh.

I realize they're all staring at me, and I try to find my words. "It was good."
