Page 91 of Not A Ghost

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The air rushed from Dahlia's lungs. "Ok," she relented, far easier than Thane had expected. "If I need you, I'll call."

"Or I will if she's stubborn," he offered. "I honestly hope it's not needed."

"Me too," Cain agreed.

Then, like the others, he turned and left. Thane just wrapped his arm around Dahlia's back and guided her towards their door. She leaned into him rather than trying to brace against his touch, and it was nice. Around them, the apartment complex was quiet again, so Thane finally let go of the bubble, hoping this really would be this easy.

He also knew it wouldn't be. They'd still need to destroy what was left of the bodies. They'd have to get everyone out of here, and fast, without making the manager wonder what was going on. So many things were building up in his mind, but they weren't his problem. That was why Cain was staying.

Thane just had to worry about his brother. He also needed to decide what mattered more, because he had a very bad feeling the Church was going to try to make him choose between Laird and Dahlia. As he closed the door behind them, pausing to lock the door to the place he'd just started to think of as theirs, he realized he couldn't choose. He loved his brother. Laird was family.

Then Thane glanced back to look at Dahlia. No, he wouldn't choose her either. She was his wife, and he might not have a clue what they were doing, but he knew one thing. This woman had gotten under his skin. She mattered to him as much as his family, and he refused to accept that anything would happen to her.

Because he had taken a vow at the age of eighteen to protect others. Maybe the Church had intended it as a way to manipulate him into hunting people who were not the demons the Church claimed. Maybe it had all been a lie, but that one thing had been his lifeline, and now he could finally make it into the truth.

He was going to fight against the forces of evil. Each and every one of them came from the same damned place: the Church of the Holy Inquisition. That was who the world really needed to be protected from, and Thane wasn't going back alone. No, he was bringing his monsters with him.

God help the fools who got in their way.
