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And in the temple, "trouble" usually meant being demoted to Obligation.

"What is this mess?" Amerlee asked, proving who had been knocking. "You boys get this clean, and fast. Looks like you were..."

Her words trailed off and her feet began to thump on the floor, making their way closer. A moment later, she peered around the door into the bedroom. Her eyes took me in, then the sheet pulled up to my chest, my bare shoulders, and the bed that had clearly been destroyed.

"Having a fuck fest," she finished, and her lips broke into a smile. "Why am I not surprised that you found a way to get your guardians involved?"

"Yeah..." I said. "Um, we need to talk about that."

"Not right now. The High Priest has decided to finally send over that priestess to document every line on your body. We need to get this place looking at least respectable, because she'll be here in half an hour, and you have definitely had too much fun in here."

"My robe?" I asked, pointing to my closet.

She found it and passed it over, turning her attention to picking up laundry while I got out of bed and pulled it on. "I probably need a quick bath, huh?"

"Yes," Amerlee said. "Hair and face, too. I'll make up your bed, and we'll have you lie here so you don't have to stand the whole time. This is not going to be fast. Saval is coming with the priestess, and I don't personally know who was sent, but I can bet it's one of those who will do anything to please the High Priest."

"That sounds bad," I called back from the bathroom.

Amerlee followed me in to drop a handful of laundry into the hamper. "He's convinced you faked your marks." She stopped and pressed a hand to the bridge of her nose. "Look, I know I didn't train you to worry about politics, because that's only something you need to worry about if you follow the Path of the Word. However, politics are in play with this."

"How so?"

"Come help me with the bed while the tub fills." She cocked her head back to the bedroom, talking as we walked. "Right now, only a few people have seen your marks. That means actual witnesses are few and far between. On the Path of the Body, your patrons will all see them. Peoplewilltalk. The rumors of a girl with five Paths on her body are already spreading through the temple. The sad truth is that three of the five Paths have nothing better to occupy their time than gossiping."

"But I do have the marks," I reminded her. "Zeal put them on me for a reason."

"Be that as it may, there are implications you aren't thinking of. The High Priest is supposed to be the one closest to our god. That's very hard to explain when a nineteen-year-old girl has more lace. Some will conclude that you're destined for his position. He has no interest in being replaced. A split could divide our temple, or the High Priest could feel threatened enough to transfer you to a remote altar. The position of High Priest is a comfortable one that comes with many luxuries. He's held his office since long before you were surrendered, but he can be removed. Priest Kinen is very aware of how to maintain his position, and you are the only thing that could ruin it for him."

"He's not a believer, is he?" I asked.

She licked at her lips. "Belief is a personal thing, Nari. Some are convinced that the gods are allegories for our personalities or basic needs. Others say they've left, but we continue to pray, hoping they will come back. Almost no one can imagine the gods walking the streets like in those old stories."

"I can," I said softly.

"Then I trained you right." She bent to tuck the blankets under the edge of the pillows. "I think our god is out there, too powerful for us to see, but he listens. He has protected me too many times, and I've watched too many miracles happen. You being only one of them."

"I've seen him," I said.

"In your Choosing." She nodded. "But many people have visions when locked alone for that long with no sound, no distractions, and nothing but the stone and water."

I smoothed down my side of the bed. "No, Amerlee. Yesterday. He sat in the other room and talked to all four of us. The guys can't see him, but I can. Iseehim, and he says that most don't, not because he's too powerful to be perceived, but because no one believes anymore. And he's beautiful, patient, and furious, all at the same time."

She tipped her head to my bath. "Go wash. Yes, I do believe you, and yes, we need to talk about this, but not right now. I also think this is something you shouldn't tell many about yet. Not until we can make it clear that your marks are truly divine."

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked her.

"First, we make it clear that you did not fake your marks, but this will not be the end of it. After that, we play on the fact that you are just an initiate, with so much to learn. Keep your Path of Word courses away from management or anything that could prepare you for a leadership position. When you're asked what the marks mean, say that is for the High Priest to decide."

"I can do that," I promised, finally heading into the bath.

While I scrubbed the last traces of my men from my body, Amerlee and the guys made our suite presentable. Jamik showed up at some point. I heard his deep voice among my guys. Clanks and bumps proved their cleaning effort had gone from straightening to redecorating.

All too aware of the time ticking past, I skipped washing my hair. When I got out of the bath, I wrapped myself in a towel and began applying my cosmetics. I wanted to make a good impression as a Priestess of the Body, not one of all Temptation, and that meant looking seductive. It was one of many things Amerlee had taught me.

When that was done, I put back on my robe, since there was no point in getting dressed just to undress again so soon, and made my way into the living room. The couches had been shifted around, making the seating more suitable to a larger group. It also left more space between the seating area and the entrance to my bedroom.

"That looks good," I told them.
