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I nodded. "And that's why I will. Just..." I bit my lip. "Can you make sure my lace is sexy? I kinda liked this."

"Oh, I promise. Mostly because I can't wait to view the results."

"Then, yes, I will fight for you until you can fight for yourself. I just really hope that's more figurative than literal."

Chapter 58


The summons came that evening. An initiate of the Word knocked on our door to pass over a wax-sealed letter that made it clear I was expected to report to the High Priest's office in the morning. It announced that due to suspicions about the veracity of my marks, I would be cleansed of my lace and allowed to immerse myself in the tears of my god before the High Priest himself. If any false marks were present, they would be revealed, at which time I would be expelled from the priesthood and the Temple of Temptation immediately.

The language used was ominous and subtly threatening. The directions made it clear to wear only my robe, like I had for the Choosing. Needless to say, I had trouble falling asleep because of my nerves. Then, after an hour of tossing and turning, Eladehl crawled out of bed, pulled on his pants, and left. A few minutes later, Wraythe returned.

He slipped under the covers, into Eladehl's spot, and then pulled me up against his chest. Being wrapped in his arms was the balm I needed, and while my giant softly whispered that this would be ok, and how they would not let me walk out of their lives, I finally found sleep.

The next morning, I left my face devoid of makeup, my hair loose, and dressed in only my robe and a pair of soft, black slippers. When it was time to go, Eladehl and Wraythe came with me, and Talin met us in the hall. Amerlee and Jamik joined us when we passed their rooms, then Saval took her place in our group once we reached the main hall.

It was a sign of their support, making it clear which side they were on. All of them were dressed in robes. Each one looked like a priest of Zeal: proud, and slightly intimidating. But it also seemed that word had spread. Initiates were clustered in the halls leading toward the back of the temple. The nave was packed with priests of all Paths, and a collection of the highest-ranked lined the foyer to the High Priest's office.

"Just her," Yana said, stepping up to rest her hand on the High Priest's door.

Talin kept his place at my shoulder when I moved toward her.

Yana leveled her eyes on him. "Guardian, this session is not for you."

"Priestess Yana," he replied smoothly, "unless you have forgotten the place of a guardian, I can assure you it is. She is my ward. My duty is to stay at her side for all religious functions, assignments, and sessions. I will not stray from my Path."

A soft murmur rippled through the surrounding priests as if they were judging him for that. Interestingly, some sounded impressed. I, however, merely stood before the door, waiting for access.

Grumbling under her breath, Yana finally opened it. The moment the wood swung wide, I walked in, keeping my back straight and my chin up. I could feel the eyes of my priesthood weighing me, and I wanted to make it clear that I was not shirking this request. I was here to meet it head-on.

Inside, High Priest Kinen waited behind his desk. His eyes jumped to Talin, and he scowled. Slowly, he looked back to me. "Priestess Nariana, I requested only you, not your entourage."

"She can't make me leave," Talin explained. "She also did not invite me. You did, Priest Kinen, when you summoned my ward officially."

"Fine, but you will not be allowed in the Choosing Room with her. I'm sorry, but finding our Path is a personal thing."

"And yet you will be there?" Talin countered.

"As Zeal's witness."

A heavy sigh came from behind me. "I can witness for myself, thanks."

Unfortunately, the High Priest didn't even flinch, which meant he couldn't see the god flanking my guardian. Yet Zeal's presence made me feel better. Safer. More like this wasn't about to be my last moments as a priestess. Still, I said nothing.

"Priestess Nariana, your guardian may accompany us down to the door of the deciding room. No one else will be allowed to descend the stairs. Unlike your initial Choosing, we will hold your immersion in the lake of tears that feeds all the others. Outside my office, there is a door to the left. That is where the stairs are located. Together, thethreeof us will descend to the vestibule, where you and I will then enter. Do you understand?"

"I do, Priest Kinen," I assured him.

He nodded once, slowly. "Inside, there is a basin that will wash away your past. The marks on your body will fade. If any do not, then they will be proven false, and your test will be concluded. You will be escorted off the grounds immediately, without any regalia of the Temple of Temptation."

"Thrown outside naked," I clarified. "I understand, High Priest."

His eyes narrowed at my apparent lack of concern. "If your skin is revealed to be clear, I will escort you to the tears of the God of Temptation, where you may immerse yourself again. The appearance of the marks will be witnessed, recorded, and your Path will finally become clear."

"And if my marks increase upon my immersion?" I asked.

He slammed both hands down on the top of his desk, propelling him to his feet. "Never, in all the centuries that the six gods have been worshipped in Calseth, has anyone claimed multiple Paths! Your marks are nothing more than a fluke from your indecision, girl. Do not think you are favored by a god. Gods do not work that way."
