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Polst scoffed at that. "The princess might chip a nail. It would be tragic."

Talin grunted at him, clearly not impressed, but he didn't bother saying anything.

Then we were up. A priest passed us all the utensils we'd need and then I got a tray of food. My companions all got something else. Beside us was a short hall, and at the end was an open room. A dining area, it seemed. Odette went first. I followed right after, then Polst, and Norris took up the end. Each of us had something for what appeared to be a rather lavish meal. Mine was made from green beans and smelled like mushrooms. My stomach growled, angry that I was planning to give this away.

When we reached the end, Odette paused, waiting for the last student of the group before us to walk out. I heard her count to five, and then she lifted her head and walked in, carrying her tray proudly. Behind me, Polst moved closer, holding a pitcher of wine to the side so it wouldn't spill.

"When she is finished with the first person, count to five, then head in. Take your time. Do not crowd her space. And whatever you do, do not talk to them or be a pretentious little bitch."

I nodded, ignoring all of that except what I needed. And when it was finally my turn, I walked in with as much grace as I could muster. No one looked at me. The conversation at the table didn't even slow. When I reached the first man, I moved to his elbow the way the servers in my own dining hall had during Maela's visit.

The man turned, took the tongs, and helped himself. When he set them back on my tray, I moved on, walking just slowly enough to keep the distance between Odette and myself. I moved to the next, and Elma smiled up at me, then took her serving. There were thirteen priests in total. Six on each side, and one sitting at the head of the table. I did my best to treat them all the same, never making eye contact, and kept myself invisible.

It wasn't easy. One woman turned, nearly knocking the tray from my hands. I managed to shift it back just in time, and somehow didn't spill anything. Another made me stoop lower and lower until I was sure I couldn't bend that way and keep the dish from sliding off the serving tray.

I was at the ninth person when it all went wrong. Behind me, I heard a gasp, then a splash, and a clatter followed right after. Everyone in the room turned, and I was no exception. Polst stood there with wine splattered across his shirt. The man he was serving wore even more, and rage was taking over the priest's face.

"You!" he snarled, shoving to his feet, and I could already see where this was going to go.

"Excuse me," I breathed, pushing my tray into the space between the priests before me.

It was barely on the table before the Priest of the Word lashed out at Polst. If my body had still been sore, I never would've made it. If I didn't have training, it wouldn't have mattered, yet somehow I lunged just far enough to catch the man's arm before his hand could connect with Polst's face.

Then I shoved, forcing the man back into his chair. "The Path of Obligation should be appreciated," I snapped at him. "They are not here for your abuse. They are not slaves to do your bidding. These are priests of our god, just like you, just like me, and just like everyone else in this temple. Treat them with the respect they deserve, and if you raise a hand to one again, you will regret it."

"Nari..." Polst breathed.

"Go," I told him, then looked back at the man before me. "I'm sure Obligation will be happy to clean your shirt. If you'd like, we can send someone to get you another."

The priest's eyes just narrowed. "Howdareyou talk to me that way!"

"How dare you forget the word of your god!" I shot back. "That is your Path, and you should know that Obligation was given to all of us. That is why every priest wears the marks on our hands, and your obligation is to respect those who make your life easier."

"Get. Out!" he roared. "Elma! This one..." He forced out a huff of air as he turned to the instructor of the class. "How dare she talk to me like this? She needs to take this course again! Fail her." Then he looked back at me and slowly stood back up, doing his best to look imposing. "If I ever see you again, you had better be groveling, girl. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

I lifted my chin and moved a little closer, refusing to yell the same way he was. Instead, I kept my voice calm and cool. "My name is Priestess Nariana. I am the Chosen of Zeal and the first Priestess of Temptation. Don't talk to me about Paths, old man. Mine is above yours, granted by the hand of a god. Sit the fuck down, boy."

Surprisingly, he did. I hadn't expected that, but before he could change his mind, I moved to grab my dish, then offered it to the next person. She took a small helping, and slowly the room began to calm back down. Norris met my eyes across the room, I nodded, and he just kept on serving.

But I'd just failed this class. Oddly, I didn't even care. If I had to take Obligation again, I would. It was the one Path the temple couldn't refuse to let me work. It was the default, and this was still ok. No, it had been worth it, because that? I'd been so angry! It had felt like...

I paused the moment I was out of the room and leaned against an open section of wall. That had to be what Talin and Wraythe felt like when they protected us. Zeal had said I was the guardian of the faith, and these people were the foundation of that. Their tasks were the purest, and none of us could live without them.

I was still trying to calm myself, or find my bearings, or whatever I was doing when Elma stepped into the hall. "Nariana?" she asked.

"Yes, Priestess," I said, pushing away from the wall with my tray still in my hands.

"Come," she said, turning me back to the kitchens. "Put that down, and let's check on that boy." She showed me where to put the empty tray, then continued to guide me forward. "I'm so proud of you. I can't remember the last time Obligation has had a champion. I only have one question for you." She paused, looking at me like she expected something.

"Ok?" I asked.

"Do you think Polst deserves to be punished for what happened?"

"I think that at worst, he should have to take that man's shirt back to his rooms when it's done. That's it, Elma. I may not get along with the guy, but he's not an idiot. I have no idea what happened, because I was looking the other way, and I don't care if he intentionally poured the wine on that man. It's still not a reason to abuse the ones helping us."

"Priest Lamic turned just as Polst walked up, catching the boy in the diaphragm. Polst tried to catch the wine, Lamic moved, and it was an honest accident."

I nodded. "It does happen."
