Page 103 of Stepbrothers' Darling

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Chapter Thirty Nine


Ihold her all night, her story ringing through my head on repeat. I’m astounded at her strength, her ability to survive. What she endured? What she survived? It’s unbelievable. No wonder she’s as strong as she is. She had to be, but knowing that, knowing what she went through, I look down at her and wonder how she was ever able to smile again, never mind being the incredible, caring, talented person she is now.

It makes me comprehend more than ever that this is where she is supposed to be—here, with us, so we can protect that precious heart and give her the life she deserves.

She whimpers in her sleep, and I meet Bray’s eyes across her body. He looks pained as he reaches for her, stroking her skin until she settles.

We are all in shock, unable to sleep.

Cyrus sits at the end of the bed, his hands fisted. I know what he wants to do. He wants to track them all down—the police, the bastard that did this—and kill them for ever daring to hurt her, abandon her. But we can’t. We can’t change the past; we can only help her with her future.

We all know that, and under the light of the moon, we make a silent promise to always protect her, to be there for her.

To always love this incredible creature in my arms who just trusted us with her heart.

* * *


Pulling her close, I notch my head on her shoulder.

I finally understand why she hates the dark, why she struggles to sleep and let people in. But she doesn’t see the difference, doesn’t see how much she has changed since coming here. She is more confident, and she smiles and laughs often. She let us in, and that’s how I know she will be okay.

It doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t break for her and what she went through. I thought we shared trauma, and I was right, but hers... I could hear the scars on her heart as she talked. I don’t know how she kept that all in, but I am beyond astounded by her strength, beauty, and inner light despite it all.

I meet Asher’s eyes again and see they are filled with the same awe and quiet love that pounds through my heart. Just when I thought I couldn’t care for this girl any more, she shows me the fighter that has been hiding underneath all those jokes and bravado. She and I are so alike, but she’s wrong, it wasn’t her fault. She shouldn’t have to live in the pain and chaos of her past, and I will spend the rest of my life pulling her back into the light and making her laugh by showing her the love she deserves.

I will prove that not everyone will hurt, betray, and leave her.

I might not have gotten to know the innocent young Blair from before, but I know the strong, sarcastic, scarred one, and she steals my breath and my heart.

Every single thing about her is perfect, pain and all.

* * *


I’m pissed.

No, I’m more than that.

I’m furious at the fucking world, at the bastard who did this, at Meredith for not protecting her or being there for her, at her having to go through this alone. I’m livid at her for not telling us, at myself… at every fucking thing. I want to rage, to hunt, but that won’t help her. She doesn’t need my anger on her behalf, she just needs us here for her right now.

I want to take her pain away. I’m so used to taking the blows to protect my family, and that includes her now, but I can’t save her from her past. I can, however, ensure it never hurts her again. I will always be there, watching her back and holding her up when she feels weak.

I can still feel the dampness of her tears on my knuckles. I never want to see her cry again or feel her fall apart in my arms. But that’s selfish, and I will. I’ll put her back together over and over if that’s what she needs.

She’s a survivor like us.

More Crew than she realises.

I thought she had us before, but I was wrong. This girl, the one lying in the bed with us, she has us entirely, heart, body, and soul, for as long as she wants us. How could I not fall in love with her?

How could I not want her forever?

But is that what she wants? To be tied down again, even if it hurts?

I’ve never been so scared of anything before, because if Blair leaves, she’ll be breaking three hearts.

And they will never heal, not from her.

Our darling.

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