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“Hey, Paula. I was wondering when you were going to join me. I did call out for you.”

“Sam? What the hell?” Paula couldn’t believe this was happening. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“What does it look like? I was waiting to talk to you.”

“You broke into someone’s house to talk to me?”

“The door was open.”

“No, it wasn’t. You just walked into someone else’s house!” Paula shook her head. “You need to get out of here right now. Michael’s going to be furious when he finds out you’ve broken in.”

“Then maybe he should lock the door.” Sam turned away. Was he making a cup of tea? “All I wanted to do was to talk, Paula, but you seemed to have blocked me. What’s wrong with getting things squared away between us?”

“You mean, what’s wrong with trying to tell me that I’m wrong for turning you down?” Paula shot back.

“Everyone seems to think we’re a good pair together. I don’t see why you think otherwise.”

Paula had a feeling they would be here all day while she described how the two of them were probably the worst coupling she could imagine. Then she realised something.

“How did you know where I was? Nobody knew where Michael lived.”

“Marley and Tilly were able to follow him in spite of his attempt to make sure nobody did. They told me where you were, and said I should sit down with you to talk.”

“How long have you been in here?”

“Just a few minutes. I thought you were asleep, so I decided to make myself comfortable.”

Paula couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did he seriously think that this was a good idea? She shook her head.

“You’re insane.”


“I’ve told you no so many times it’s getting ridiculous. I don’t even like you! Why would I want to date someone I don’t like?”

“You don’t mean that, surely?”

“Yes, I do! I’ve told Marley - hell, I’ve told everyone - that I don’t want to be around you, but nobody listens. God only knows what you’ve said to them, but I will not date you, or even do anything with you. Then you and Marley, and everyone else, conspire to have an auction at the wedding to force us together? I mean, who the hell has an auction like that at a wedding? Of all the tacky things you could have, that is certainly the worst.”

Sam was looking at her like he was waiting for her to stop having a tantrum. Paula hated how patronising he was behaving towards her.

“You’ve got five seconds to leave, Sam, or I’m calling the police.”

“No, you won’t.”

“You’re in someone’s house without permission!”

“Well, how else am I going to get to talk to you?”

“You don’t. I’ve made me position clear.” Paula was shaking, her chest tightening. She needed to get out of there. “I had a bad feeling about you, and I was right. If you’re willing to get into someone’s house uninvited, you have to have a screw loose. Get the fuck out.”

“Not until you and I talk.” Sam moved towards her, which had Paula backing up and bumping into the door frame. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, Paula. The only way that’s going to happen is if you and I sit down and discuss us.”

“There is no us! I don’t like you! You’re such a creep! I’ve said that so many times!”

“I love you, though.”

Paula barked out a laugh.
