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“Thanks, bro. I can see why Jeanette married you.”

“Hey, you’re my sister. I always look after my family.”

“At least I have you on my side.”

“And Michael,” Charlie added slyly. “You’ve got him on your side.”

“Don’t, Charlie. That’s not funny.”

“Sorry. Just let me know later that you’re doing okay. Do you want me to get some things from your place to bring over?”

“No, you’ve got your hands full. Focus on Jason. I’ll sort things out myself.”

“Are you sure?”


Charlie sighed.

“Okay. Just call me if you need anything. I’ll deal with Marley if you don’t want to.”

“I appreciate that.” Paula looked at the clock. “I think I’d better get downstairs and show that I’m alive. It’s gone nine.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

Why did that sound like he wasn’t just talking about keeping away from Marley and her little gang?

* * *

Michael struggled to sleep that night. His mind was filled with what Paula had told him. He couldn’t believe how anyone could behave like that. There was a time and a place for an auction, and that wasn’t it. Hell, he had taken part in an auction for charity when he was in university. But that had been consensual with all parties. Nobody was cheated into it and forced to stand there while others bid on them.

What Marley had done was crossing the line. It was bad enough that Sam wouldn’t take no for an answer, but the friends were disgusting.

If he were Paula, Michael would be finding new friends.

Also, sleeping when he knew Paula was in the next room was really difficult. It was tough to sleep without thinking about the beautiful woman so close to him, wearing nothing but his pyjamas. Or did she sleep with nothing between her and the sheets?

He felt his cock hardening, and Michael groaned. Fuck, his feelings were her were getting too much. There had been a spark when they met, and Michael found the redhead fun and sweet, not to mention talented. Her work was really impressive. She was also a good swimmer, almost like poetry in motion. Michael liked watching her compete; everything was just so precise.

It took everything he had not to show how aroused he was the more time he spent in her company. It was getting to the point where his hand was not looking forward to taking away the tension. His cock needed something more.

To know she was single was something of a shock. Paula was in her thirties, and she had no guy in sight. He couldn’t understand it. But he never made a move to say anything himself.

After all, why would she want a guy who was approaching fifty in a few years with a teenage daughter? Michael wasn’t exactly a catch when it came to that. Paula deserved someone nearer her age, someone who had relationship problems stuck in his head from the past.

He was fine with being her friend. It was only a fantasy that she might want more.

Unrequited love sucks.

Growling, Michael rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. After showering and dressing, Michael scowled at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. He wasn’t too bad. A little bit of a soft stomach, maybe, but he was solid enough. He knew he was strong from all his swimming. His hair hadn’t started receding, although there were some grey hairs appearing, but Michael didn’t bother about that. He was middle-aged, after all.

He was pretty decent, but he didn’t think Paula would think the same way with someone a lot older than her.

Sighing, Michael wiped his mouth and left the bathroom. He needed to stop thinking like this, otherwise he was going to end up beating himself up too much.

Natalie was already downstairs, her feet propped up on the sofa watching the TV as she munched on some toast. She sat up and put her feet down as Michael came into the room.

“Sorry, Dad.”
