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"The first thing we're going to do is have you get ahold of Erika's parents," Knix announced, turning away from Marv. "Then we'll take it fromthere."

"What if she really is missing?" I asked. "Are we going to reportit?"

Knix tilted his head to the side and his face grew tight. "We might," he said. "She left her phone and no offense to your friend, Harlow, but she doesn't seem like the type of girl comfortable being away from her phone for extended periods of time." He was right. Erika was a selfie fanatic and a social media fiend. It was a wonder how we were friends since I was neither. "Either she left it because she knew she wouldn't need it or she didn't mean to leave it atall."

"Do you think she'll go back for it?" I asked,hopefully.

"Let's go ahead and have you call her parents, and then we'll take it one step at atime."

"We need to inform Alex," Bellamysaid.

Knix nodded. "You go ahead and dothat."

Texas moved closer as I bit my lip. "It's going to be okay, Spider-Monkey," he said, brushing a reassuring hand down my arm. "We'll find yourfriend."

My lips twitched at the reminder of his new nickname, but I quickly sobered. "I think she might have run off with Josh," I admitted quietly. "I know she really cares about him. I think she knew that night she camehere."

He tilted his head to the side again. "Why do you say that?" heasked.

"She was acting really odd," I said. "Flirting and drinking and we drank for the first time right before I met you guys. It was just beer and she wasn't that into it. But she was way more experienced this timearound."

"Were she and Josh having problems?" heasked.

I pinched my lips together before answering. "I'm not sure," I admitted. "She said they weren't. She said he was doing well in rehab. Maybe it was just being at thecollege?"

Texas nodded. "We might have to check out that avenue. For now, go ahead and call herparents."

“Why didn’t you say anything before if you were worried?” Bellamy asked,curious.

I flushed, biting my lip. “I…” I sighed. “I was kind of caught up in… everything else,” I admitted quietly. All of my attention had been focused on the case. After meeting that girl at the club, I had become so hyper focused, I let my friend just disappear. What kind of person did that make me? “I guess I just assumed she would come to me if she needed something.” God, even that was lame for an excuse. I closed my eyes, shame risingup.

When a hand touched my shoulder, my eyes opened. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure out what happened. I’m not sure if she’s willingly gone off with Josh. But, whether she has or hasn’t, we’ll figure out thetruth.”

Tears swam in front of my vision, but I sucked them back, closing my eyes briefly once more before opening them and standing. “Okay,” I huffed, “that’s what we’ll do.” If the guys said we would figure it out, then we would. I looked at them, feeling relief swelling in my chest. I wasn’t trying to work on my own anymore. That, in itself, was a true gift from my Irisboys.

“Why don’t you go ahead and make that call,” Bellamy said, gently nudging me. I nodded, moving in the direction of my room as I pulled out my cell. Even though I was really worried about my friend, I was glad that everything was aired. The guys knew that Grayson was involved. They knew about Josh. They knew about Erika. They knew about...each other. I hoped this dating thing with the four of them would work out. I couldn't bear to think of hurting any of their feelings. Somewhere in the back of my mind, though, I knew that if I chose one of them at the end, someone would end up hurt. No matter who I chose, I’d lose. I just knew it.
