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I swallowed reflexively. "And you made thisdecision?”

My gaze found the pulse in Marv’sneck.

By way of answer, he leaned forward slowly. Every inch he drew nearer, my heart thudded louder and louder in my ears until it was all I could hear. I wasn't even sure if I was breathing anymore. Keeping his eyes open, Marv lowered his head until his lips brushed mine. His body moved closer, over me, pushing me deeper into themattress.

He pulled back briefly, and I arched up, my mouth seeking his again. "It appears none of us can let you go," he said, just before diving back intome.

My spine bowed as his hands slid under my shirt, clutching against my skin. I gasped as he licked a path down my jaw until he found the space between my neck and shoulder and gently kissed it before biting down. I cried out, a rush of warmth between mythighs.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." I pushed against his chest. "What about theothers?"

"They know." Marv kissed my mouth and then moved to the other side of my neck, distracting mefurther.

"They know about..." I trailed off on a moan as he bit down again and then shoved up the fabric of my tank top until my belly was bared tohim.

"Yes. They know what we're doing in here," he said, movingdown.

I bit my lip as my thighs clenched in want. "And they're okay with..." Marv pressed a kiss just above my belly button, effectively cutting me off. I wasn't sure if I could even breathe, much less speak at thispoint.

"Yes." Marv's amusement was clear as he looked up from where he rested comfortably with his chin on my stomach. I couldn't believe this was really happening. My breathcaught.

"Harlow..." I sucked in a breath and stared at him. His hand touched my hip, pulling me closer as his fingers slid beneath the fabric of my panties. "We don't—Idon't want to push you if you’re not ready. But, Sunshine, I'm dying here. Tell me now so I know if I need to backoff.”

Marv's eyes were pleading as he gazed down at me. I felt my skin flush and I knew it wasn't pretty. I never was when I blushed. Either he didn't notice, or he didn't care, though, because the desire in his eyes neverwavered.

"I just have to know," he said. "You like me enough to kiss me, you say you need me." Marv moved closer, leaving my stomach in favor of rising over me until his chest almost reached my face as he looked down at me. "Do you wantmore?"

"M-more?" Igulped.

"I want to kiss you," he said. "Will you let me do that? Will you let me touch you too?" I shook under his gaze, wanting and needy and, yet, confused. I licked my lips and his eyes zeroed in. "Please tell me that's a yes, Sunshine," he practicallybegged.

My brain short-circuited, and I couldn't think of anything but telling him yes. I nodded. He wanted it. I wanted it. What was wrong with that? He knew about Bellamy, Knix, Texas...and Grayson—they knew about him—it wasn't wrong, was it? They knew what we were doing. I trusted that Marv hadn’t lied about that. What else had they talked about in their secret boys’meeting?

"Thank God," he said, yanking me from my thoughts right before his mouth came down on mine. I gasped as his tongue crept out and sank into my mouth. With a moan, I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him. Marv's palms slid down my sides and then he gripped the back of my thighs, hoisting me up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around hismiddle.

I kissed Marv back, wanting so badly to hold him to me, to keep his lips locked with mine for years to come. His hands trailed up and down my sides, goosebumps following in their wake. I shivered against him, pressed up against the hardness between his thighs. He, too, moaned and then rubbed himself against my stomach. "I want you so badly, Harlow," herasped.

"I want you, too," I confessed. “Ineedyou.”

Marv groaned at that and slammed his mouth back over mine. One of his hands moved down and palmed a breast through my tank top. I could feel my nipple harden through the thin fabric. I gasped into his lips as his thumb and forefinger found it and rolled it. I moved up, pushing against his chest until he rolled over and I was ontop.

I couldn’t help it. After so long, so much waiting, I ground down against him, causing him to moan into my mouth. The sound was heady, a power trip I didn’t know I craved until that very moment. I sat back until I was astride him, our mouths breaking apart. Reaching down, my fingers found the hem of my tank top and I slowly pulled it up and off. Marv's eyeswidened.

"More," I panted, diving for his mouthagain.

"Shit.” He hissed as his cock met the place between my thighs when I ground down on him again. The only thing separating us was the minuscule fabric of my panties and his clothes. I pushed his shirt up. I wanted to rectify that as soon aspossible.

Marv stopped and when his hands pulled away from my breast and hip, I nearly cried in disappointment. But he was only pulling away long enough to rip his shirt over his head and once again he was back, drowning me in his kiss as my breasts rubbed against his hard pecs. I moaned as I twined my tongue with his and pressed myself down over him, riding along his length, feeling it through the fabric, loving the shocks of electricity it sent shivering up myspine.

Marv couldn't take it though. With another hiss, he threw me off him and I landed with my back against the bed once more. It wasn't but mere moments later that he was back over me, grabbing one leg and pulling it around his hip until he was able to control the pace. He shoved himself against me and took my mouth with a fiery passion. Something built inside me. Something strong and heated. I sank my nails into Marv's shoulders and kissed him back wildly,deeply.

One of Marv's hands made its way down my bare stomach. His fingers teased along the edge of my panties, pausing and asking for permission. "Can I?" heasked.

"Take them off," I begged, "please." I needed him skin to skin. I needed him further than that. I needed him insideme.

Marv broke off kissing me, his hands going to either side of my underwear. He tugged and yanked them down as quickly as possible, moving further down as he went, until they hung off one foot. He pulled them off and held my foot in his hand at the end of the bed, looking back up atme.

"You're fucking gorgeous, Harlow." His voice was thick with emotion, raspy and dark. His hands went to his pants. Looking at me quickly, he stripped them down long muscular legs. I watched with interest and a whirling need inside me. Marv crawled back up the length of my body and re-anchored my legs around his waist. His cock pressed against me, skin to skin—this time, moreinsistently.
