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“Doesn’t she look like a queen?” I asked Jude, the beast of a man knelt at my feet. He was a stubborn, taciturn creature, who until recently hated me as much as our omega. Though I knew when I asked he would wrap those lips, set in such a stern line, around my cock and take me deep into his throat. I allowed him to have a moment to stew, then ran my fingers through his thick hair and jerked his head back so that his eyes were forced to meet mine. “Still so angry. You would be taken like the Sabine women if the Romans saw you. Who was it? Ovid? Yes. ‘Terror lends an added charm.’ Your terror is so… seductive. Do not be afraid of your desires. Your cock is hard thinking of your humiliation. Or is it because my tricky Puck is the one taking his pleasure from her? Riding her like a bitch in heat? Your eyes, your honey scent, and my knowledge of sinners tells me all. That flush stains your cheeks, like your cum will stain the rug beneath your knees when you come while choking on my cock… goddess, yes. I like the thought of that. You live in beautiful terror of your own carnal needs. I am so glad you gave yourself to me. Noble sacrifice tastes so sweet to the wicked.”

“You don’t know what you are taking about,” he snarled. His muscles tensed like he wanted to turn and rend me limb from limb. The threat made my cock twitch at the thought of such a powerful man kneeling at my feet. The contrast would always be my weakness.

I twisted my fingers, pulling too hard, giving too much pain to a man who had no taste for it. “Jude. I made you who you are. As did the woman who has us bound together by her very existence. Now. Be a good pup and regard how well they match.”

I released him and turned back to the too erotic display on the dais I’d had erected in the largest room in the Hell. Gone were the tables and games of chance. Gone were the aristocrats and the gentry and their hangers on. For tonight, for one night, I had closed my doors to the men and women who lined my pockets with their coins and their secrets. In their place were my kind. Her court of shadow and my court of flesh filled the room. Some entangled in their own hedonistic pursuits. Others stared in awe at the sight of the naked, red-haired omega on her back, an impressive dildo strapped around her hips, while an alpha with skin as dark as a moonless, starless night sky fucking himself on it. His hand pumped his hard cock that leaked precum onto the omega’s soft stomach.

From my seat with my pet at my knee, I could not catch Puck and Polly’s singular scents, but the betas nearer the stage could. The mass of bodies contorted, flushed with arousal, at the proximity to the rawness of an omega’s slick and an alpha’s primal arousal and, of course, the knowledge that should they so much as touch the red satin of the makeshift stage, they’d have signed their death warrant.

None touched what was mine.

I reached to pet the bronze-brown head next to me. “Every time he lowers himself, the dildo will press against that clit you so love to suck,” I told Jude, needing to assure him that despite the seemingly helpless position she found herself, the omega received pleasure.

“They are too beautiful together.” The words left him on a breath, and I paused to see if he meant them for me or if they were merely an inner thought spoken aloud. I had my answer before long when he turned to observe as I studied our lovers. There was sorrow and a fear that had nothing to do with facing his own twisted desires. “Do they even need us?”

Years, a lifetime perhaps, of masking every real emotion, splintered for a heartbeat. But the shadows hid any feeling that might have flittered across my face. “They do not have a choice,” I drawled. A forced languidity cloaked my uncertainty. Because there was only one mate mark on her mating gland. Only one alpha who had knotted her during that wild heat we were still recovering from. “They do not have a choice, Jude. If she must have her Robin Puck. Then she must have her Jude Bottom and her Oberon. She might be a Queen but she must bend to us or—”

“Or what?” There was a bite to his question, a naked anger, and I wanted to pull him into a kiss that I might taste such a potent emotion.

“Or she will break. She is an apex omega. Her birthright is to be an omega whose soul and body should, by all we know, belong to an alpha. She is feral. She cannot contain herself. At our side, she could conquer the world. She wraps around our alpha strength, but we bend to her will.”

“You don’t love her.” The accusation a sharp slap that missed the mark.

“One doesn’t love Hippolyta Hartwell. One worships her. She dominates with nothing but her presence. Even I am not immune to that.”

A sharp cry of pleasure caused us both to look back to where Polly and Puck performed the original dance. My alpha had gathered her in his arms, nearly covering her body from my sight, kissing her. The sound must have come from some other source, because they fused together their mouths in the sensual play and exchange of breaths. Her hands appeared and scored those thick muscular arms with her fingernails. A hiss from Jude told me how much he enjoyed the scene. I rubbed my cock through my breeches with a lazy drag of my hand.

Goddess, but I was a cruel master about to deny him the endless pleasure of this sight.

“Come, pup. I must have your mouth.”

He growled. As vicious and dark and deep as a guard dog. A heady elixir, to be sure. But I’d not let him off his leash yet. I needed him to understand, as Puck did, as Polly knew, that under this roof all pleasure came from me.

Perhaps the recent lessons had made some impression, for he shuffled between my legs, head slightly bowed like he had been taught. Of course, that put his eyes level with my hard cock, which pressed against the black material of my breeches. He licked his lips unconsciously. A sharp spike of need shot straight to my balls.

“Take it out.” His hands went to the fastenings. “With your teeth.”

His eyes flashed to mine. A thrill passed through me as he swallowed around his words of protest or some other feeling. I did not care. All I desired was his submission.

Jude rose on his knees to move his mouth to the first of two buttons that held up the front flap. I’d had many mouths tease a button through its hole and now I would see this untutored stripling do his best to give me what I wanted. Oh, how I relished his desire to please.

But Jude, brutish, humiliated, handsome Jude surprised me. His teeth went round the button and with a growl and alpha’s strength pulled it off. My hands gripped the arms of my chair, for I wanted nothing more than to… truth be told, I did not know.

He repeated the violence to the other button before sitting back on his heels and spitting out first one, then another button to the floor.

“You’ll pay for that,” I warned him, but it came out somewhat breathless. So rare to see such strength and directness. Such an attractive quality. Perhaps, if carefully taught, he might learn to flick a whip as skilfully as Puck. What would it feel like if I unleashed him and let him take that considerable strength out on me? “But this is not a punishment. Shall I describe them while you choke on my cock? While you drink down my cum?”

The barest nod told me he wanted that. All of it.

“Then get on with it… ah. They are no longer kissing. Puck, he leans back, hands bracketing her hips. His cock is wet with precum. And our omega cups her breasts, plays with her nipples. Did you convince her to pierce them? To match that ring on your cock?”

Jude’s little groan was an eloquent plea for my words to be made reality.

“Then suck me off.”
