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“Thank you for everything,” I said for lack of a better conversation opener. “Two thousand pounds is nothing when compared to my sister and Sarah’s lives and wellbeing. Tell me—”

“I’ve paid your omega fee. I as good as own you,” he snapped, sounding irritated. “You seem to forget.”

A bubble of laughter escaped, it tasted like spoiled milk. “That isn’t how the omega price works, you fool. You pay an omega price. Besides the two thousand is nought but the interest.”

His eyes flashed. Goddess, I needed to learn what those flickers of emotion meant. The only hint he was on edge was the tightening of his jaw before he forced himself to unclench his jaw. “A mad oversight, I admit. I’ll pay a visit to your mother and hand over a draft to my bank… Unless she’d prefer notes?”

“Leave that woman out of it.” I let my hatred of my alpha mother show in my eyes, in my face, in my body, in my voice. That woman had ruined the lives of omegas not cruelty but a patronising superiority that crushed her daughters and mate under her heel. “If you must buy me, then give the money to someone who needs it.”

Oberon rose slowly, coming around his desk, his fingers gracing the polished wood of the desk. He stopped in front of me, and unless I wanted to stare at his crotch and the defined ridge of his cock against his breeches, I had to look up into his eyes. He lent in close, scenting me. I held my breath that I might not smell him. My lungs burned because he took his time. Nose brushing along my hairline and down my temple, hunting through the layers of beta scents I’d built up through the day. Before he could nuzzle closer and reach my mating gland, I pushed him away. He took a smooth step back, and I waited for him to say something about my unusual scent.

He did not disappoint. They never did.

“Your scent is remarkably fresh. Mint and something like a winter wind. I’d always supposed honey or a floral. But this is… as unique as you are.” His voice was as smooth as the smile that never reached his eyes. Only years of hearing the same sentiment expressed in different ways stopped the barb lodging too deep in my chest. “But bitter. Do not be so angry, little bird. I will pay whoever you choose. But your omega price is mine.”

Twenty-six years, thirteen as an omega, had taught me that some alphas must be met head on when they chose to throw dynamic in an omega’s face. I rose on my toes, perfectly balanced so that I didn’t have to hold on to him. Hells, anticipating my intention, he stooped so that I could inhale as much of his scent as possible. Arrogant pig. Still, I made as much of a show as he did in burying my face into his neck. Foreign spices tickled my senses.

“You won’t be able to place my scent or Puck’s. Not until you have travelled to places far from the safety of this island.” His words warm against my cheek. If I turned my head, he could kiss me. I smiled. He’d like that. To take advantage of me like that. Fool.

Settling back on my heels I stepped back and blinked up at him. “Oberon, I only planned to catalogue which scent I must know should you come for me in the dark and I must resort to stabbing you in the gut.”

“Delightfully violent, Miss Hartwell.” His eyes crinkled at the corners, the most human expression I’d ever seen on him. “Will you do me the honour of joining me for dinner in my private residence?”

Against my will, against all good sense, my curiosity was peaked. The danger of entering his lair warred with the knowledge that none of my spies had ever made it through the unadorned door between the Hell and the residence. The temptation must be quashed. Must be put aside. I let my hands find the folds of my skirt and into the pocket of my gown so that I might take hold of the small gun I carried with me at all times. It had a single bullet and therefore must only be used at the last possible moment, but the weight of metal and wood in my hand wrapped around me like armour.

“Come. I can promise a healthy spread that even under these less than ideal circumstances might tempt your appetite.”

“I desire to wait for new of my sister and Sarah,” I countered.

“And I’d prefer you not to consider shooting me.” He moved faster than I could have imagined. His hand grabbing my wrist and wrenching it free. I’d not give him the satisfaction of crying out or showing how much it hurt as he twisted my arm, pulling me close. “No guns. No knives. You desire to kill me, it shall be claws and teeth not some manmade instrument of pain. That is the rule of this house. None are exempt. I’ll wring your neck before—”

“I’ll remember that when I’m feasting on your heart.”

He chuckled and pressed a dry kiss to the delicate skin of my wrist, letting the arm fall without taking my pistol from me. I had no words for his precepts. For his demands and commands. As I focused on the face looming above me, the world stuttered. The foreshadowing that I would soon lose my mind, my instincts responding to alpha aggression in kind.

“The Little Dove. She’s moored at Vauxhall.”

“Why tell me this?”

“Why do you think?”

“You’re mad to think this changes things between us.”

“You’re equally mad to think this will not play out exactly as I desire it. Go confirm what Puck will tell them. Hurry or they might have left already. And uh, leave that agent of death on the table.”

Slamming the pistol on his desk, I gathered my skirts and left without a word of thanks. He’d implied this assistance was part of a longer game which he believed he would win. But dammit, I couldn’t bring myself to care. The urgency that had faded when I thought there was nothing more I could do, came back with a vengeance.

You hold the trump, I reminded myself. Take what he gives you and discover how to it.

I nearly tripped in my haste to reach the others before they left.

“Wait!” I sprinted past Moth and grabbed Paxton by the sleeve. “Go tonight. Vauxhall, the ship is called the Little Dove. Don’t let him tell you otherwise. Drexler confirmed it. I cannot go.” I’d never felt so helpless. My sister and my lover were both in danger. Bea had value to them but Sarah was a beta and expendable. Paxton pressed his lips together. “He won’t hurt me,” I said, but the words were more for my own sanity than his.

The silver alpha took my hand in his. “If ever you need my help, Jack’s, Orley’s…” He seemed to think I’d deny him and that was the truth but none of us needed my hatred towards alphas in this moment when I must depend on them to save my loved ones. “We will come to your aid, not because we are alphas and you are an omega. You are our sister. Perhaps not by blood but… You are an admirable woman who loves her family.”

“I think you’ve said enough,” Puck growled. He had come up behind me and pressed against my back. I had met half a dozen times yet I knew his scent as well as my own. That unusual spice had covered Sarah and other lovers more times than I could remember. Without drawing too much attention, I inched away from him, desperate to put some space between us. When his hand ghosted my waist, I forced my snarl into a smile.

“Leave her be,” Paxton tried to assert his dominance.
