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“My body? My knot? What does—” He cut himself off and his head dropped. This giant of an alpha looking so defeated. I ought to be pleased. A broken soul would not survive the harsh detoxing he would suffer over the next week. The last thread holding my omega to her old life cut off. Instead of being pleased, I wanted to slap the insolent pup and order him to fight. Fight me. Fight Puck. Fight Polly. Fight for himself. Dammit old age made me sentimental or perhaps the prospect of having everything I’d planned for at my fingertips made me desire more. The pup could be trained as a pet for us all. And what a beautiful man–that could not be ignored.

“I’d like to see you redeem yourself,” I decided. “I’ll feed and train you so that you might become a good dog for your mistress and masters help bring you back from this disaster.”

“Speak not of redemption,” he begged and to my horror a tear rolled down his cheek.

“You’d abandon the woman, the omega, you love to two alphas who seek to make her their mate? By force if necessary?”

“You’d force her to mate you? I’ll kill you first.” He growled and my cock twitched with the strength he could project even this not quite an alpha state. In a blink of an eye, he was towering over me, attempting to intimidate me.

I patted his cheek. “I want to see what you can make of yourself.”


“First detox. Come, I must secure you before you do injury to yourself. The fever dreams will be violent.”

A muscle in his jaw ticked, then he gave me a curt nod and held his hands out for me. I looked him over, my willing prisoner, and felt my lips twitch when I got to his cock. It had… well it was no longer the monster it had been but the heavy piercing through the tip drew my eye. I would have that cock in my hand, at my mercy. Perhaps I’d let him fuck me once that I might experience his piercing for myself. Then slowly my perusal took me up his perfectly muscled body, each muscle sharply defined–more so because the light created shadows across the paler skin of his torso. His face and neck were slightly darker and I wondered if during the next summer I’d be able to even his skin tone to a burnished bronze. I flicked my gaze to his and enjoyed the colour staining his cheeks.

“Happy with the wares?”

“You know I am.” I grabbed his cock and gave it an almost too hard squeeze. “This in particular. Did you enjoy fucking her? Watching your cock disappear into her slick heat? Hmmm? And did she beg you—”

“Stop,” he said, his voice tight and in my hand his cock hardened. I released him and pushed him to the far wall where the manacles that restrained me when Puck lashed me were attached to the wall. The iron was lined with padded leather and I adjusted the length of the chains so that he could sit on the floor. Wordlessly he permitted me to lock the cuffs.

“Puck will bring you blankets,” I told him at the last moment. “This is for your own good.”

More of that silence.

“Do not lose hope, pup. Like a good hunter, I’ll flush out my little bird and you’ll have her in your mouth by the equinox revels.”

“Dogs flush out the birds. Not the hunters.”

“Clever, pup.” I shut the door before he could make another smart remark and descended the stairs to my office. There were aspects of Polly’s arrival that were more important than her wayward lover. A network of spies to wrangle. Gaining control of the bands that terrorised wealthy alphas, and to discover why she kept her primary residence so secret. Never mention her impending heat. Manipulating an omega with a propensity for violence was uncharted territory. A challenge I relished.

But on entering my office, I found Divinity—one of the mistresses I employed to dominate the most highborn alpha and bring them to their knees—sitting in the chair across from my desk. The statuesque woman wore men’s clothes today, the shirt gaping to her naval revealing her lean chest.

“Is’t true you’ve Jude Bottom here?” Her voice was low, gravely and oh so sensuous.

“You’ve a complaint?”

“You can’t keep him strung up,” she said with a professional seriousness.

“And how would you know the who and the where?”

“Because his arrival is all over the Hell and I know your tastes.” Her tone was perfectly modulated, perfectly stern that I could easily picture her clients pledging their fortunes to her for the privilege of obeying her commands.

“I’ve no intention of leaving him hanging,” I assured her. “If you must know, he shall be detoxing from alpha’s bane. It will become common knowledge soon enough when the beta that made alphas nervous regains his knot and, uh, animal magnetism.”

“Fuck. Just…” She scratched her neck, a tell she made no effort to hide. “I’ll be with the Marquess of Denbury for the next week. But should you need my skills—”

“I think I can manage the pup by myself.”

“You know your own business.”

“Sweet mistress mine, you’ll return to a perfectly trained dog, fear not.” I bussed her cheek and gave her a small push towards the door. “Go, Divinity. Show the marquess the face of the goddess.”

Her beta scent unfurled. “Oberon, when will you let me put my whip to you?” I raised an eyebrow. The flush on her cheeks changed from arousal to mortification. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have overstepped. Foolish of me. But then you know you are more addictive than giving pain.”

“I’m afraid that shall always be Puck’s privilege and perhaps my pet’s.”
