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“Sophia?” She shuffled the cards again. “I met her. She impressed me. But I know nothing of Tod except that he existed. And soothe yourself over this: Moth made no mention of him. Sarah, once, begged me to get him some sweets you refused to let him have.”

The next hands went in my favour but she went down so heavily that I feared the worst she was losing on purpose. “A point to you.”

She frowned at her cards then with a flash she smiled at me so enigmatically that a chill went down my spine. I was the one who had missed a trick, not her. “I’ll let you meet my people,” she flicked something off her sleeve. “But I’ll not order them to do your bidding.”



We had to delay the meeting with her people by a day and the passing hours and no word of Tod had my temper short and brittle. They said there was no fool like and old fool and while I was not yet forty, I felt ancient this morning as I pushed away the sheets. Puck had disappeared already. Every evening Polly had been with us, he had visited her in her cage. Perhaps he was there now. Neither divulged what they discussed or if they spoke at all but I wanted to strangle the information from them. I was jealous that he felt so uninhibited. That her palpable hatred for our dynamic ran like water off a duck’s back.

Damn them both.

Damn myself for I had to knock on her door and tease out something useful from her before her underlings arrived.

One thing I knew. I had not misjudged her. Proud to a fault. A brilliant mind that danced nimbly through our interactions. And tricksy—though Orley’s remark that she was like a cat proved a boon. She’d do as she pleased but that might align with my own plans if I worded my request right. Offer her her freedom and she’d want to stay. I must keep that precept in mind.

“Any message for your people?” I asked, hoping to warm her up before discussing anything more serious.

“Here.” She thrust a handful of scraps through the bars.

I read the series of numbers and letters she had scrawled on the top corner of yesterday’s newspaper.

“I won’t ask where you got this or the pencil. This will let them know you approved the meeting?” I asked. She sat ramrod straight, her legs crossed before her and hair loose around her shoulders. I tapped my fingers against my thigh where she couldn’t see. Her methods of torturing me were subversive. The omega seemed unconcerned, as if her operation could easily proceed without her. “Little bird…”


“And they know you will not be joining?”


“Am I to only get one word answers from now on.”

“Astute.” She inspected her nails. She should be shaking with fury. Her smile, though, was wicked, teasing. As if we shared some joke and it took all her willpower not to breakout into laughter.

“Then I’ll leave and report back.”

“You are dismissed.”

“Three words? My darling little bird, I think you care.”

She did not need to respond with a word for the smell of slick told me enough. And yet she deprived me of her words. I’d not touch her until she asked. I’d waited many years. What were the days and at worst months?

“Goddess, your brand of foreplay is unlike any others. I cannot wait to spread you open and feast on you,” I smiled. No other lit a fire in me like her. “But another time.”

Then the thorn in my side and woman I intended to set on my cock gave me her profile and five words sweet than any cum I’d ever tasted. “I shall gut you first.”

If I was other than who I was and younger, I’d have danced down the steps. The residence was too cramped for how I felt. The darkness now. I’d kick the bilious lordling out and then, well, she was an omega. She could redecorate however she wanted.

An hourlater and my warmer feelings towards my wayward omega had changed. Her people were impossible. The suspicion that perhaps she’d lost our little game as a method of tortured toyed at the edge of my conscious as I considered all the ways her aviary of spies and thieves had contrived to irritate.

Puck perched about halfway along the Hell’s dining table. He’d chosen to wear nothing but buckskin breeches and a loose white shirt that revealed the sharply defined muscles of his chest. A man without flaw and a man who knew me better than I knew myself. Which was why I could be content to sit back and silently curse the omega while the proceedings, or rather the stalemate, unfolded.

Her lieutenants were named after the fairies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the flowers from Hamlet. Polly it seemed had a taste for Shakesperia. Perhaps her name, the same as the queen of the Amazons had sparked this fancy, but I was ready to shake her for the inconvenience of using them.

Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, Moth, Rosemary, Pansy, Fennel, Columbine, Rue, and Daisy.

Even when I knew their goddess given names, they only responded to the monikers Polly had given them. I’d find it amusing on another day and on another I’d be jealous that my own people were less strict in their doings. But in this hour when we must work together. So fairies and flowers it must be.
