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“You aren’t worried she’ll take him in dislike?”

“Of course not! Especially if he is an omega. And if she learns we’ve lost an omega child, she’ll kill us. Do you want us to be in the soup before…”

“Nothing like that will happen.” I promised. “Everything is going to plan.”

“Dammit but you play deep. Too deep for me.” He knocked his head back against the wall as if it could jar his senses.

“Schatz,” I hummed the endearment. “You know I play deep. What gives you pause this time?”

“That ass—or is it dog?—who’s in love with her.” His confession was like bitter honey on my tongue. I’d hoped that jealousy might spark his naturally competitive spirit. Instead, he appeared blue deviled.

“It was your idea to entangle them together.” I reminded him.

“Never thought they’d become attached. Nor did you.”

I considered his accusation. “I never expected any alpha to willingly take alpha’s bane for five years and live. But why should he bother you?”

His eyes were dark, and a slow breath brought the scent of arousal off him. “I’ve fucked Sarah after she’s been with them both. And when I say there is nothing sweeter than their mingled taste–”

“You want him to survive? For I do not.” He’d recognise it for a lie but let it go this once, waiting to hear what I had to say. “Much better that he die and she cut ties with the past completely.”

“How like you. Yes, I want him to live. So will she. Besides, you could smell them when he admitted his deception. Both got off on his humiliation.”

“You seek to coax out their darkest fantasies? Was our time with the Marquis so enjoyable.” I needled him. Puck’s tastes were like a mosaic. Mine were focused on the sting of the lash and the perverse delight in controlling my lover’s every touch and desire when they were with another. Nameless, faceless betas had filled the void before. But now I had Polly and Jude and Puck. A trifecta of perfection with which to play out my darkest desires.

“There are too many moving parts. I marvel that you keep them in order. I wonder if you do or if like the rest of us you plan but must wade through the quagmire of this life.”

“How poetic.” I crouched before him. “I’ve all under control. But now, perhaps you will indulge me? I confess…”

He stopped me with a kiss. Firm, possessing, and by long familiarity deepening in a twist of tongues. No need to fight for dominance with Puck. “I want to fuck you.”

“Dammit, schatz, you know I cannot,” I growled, my cock thickening in my breeches.

“What could be more than my cock inside of you?”

“Nothing. Nothing.” I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it open. Ducking in I sucked one flat nipple while tweaking the other. “I want your lash though.”

“You’ll have it.” His promise, breathy against my temple.

The soundof a knock on the door and we were both standing before the handle turned. Puck shrugging off his shirt as if it was perfectly natural for him to stand in the dining room shirtless.

Moth stood on the threshold blocking the way of the Duke of Orley, the husband of Polly’s younger sister Viola.

“Let him in.” I sat back down while Puck took his customary place behind me. It was to our advantage that people believed him to be my unequal partner. Some foolishly thought they could turn him against me simply because he stood while I sat. I did not think this alpha would make a similar mistake. After all he had married a Hartwell omega.

The duke himself was large and ugly but with a same powerful presence only the highest in society could command. “You’ve my sister-in-law,” he said without preamble. “I don’t like it, Drexler. What’s more, my omega don’t like it.”

“And how many days, dear Puck, have passed…?” I let the question hang in the air. If he’d said one, I’d believe him. If he said a lifetime, I’d have believed that as well. But never let them see what you do not want them to see. My parents’ instruction was as fresh in my mind today as it was thirty years ago when I’d been a mere boy learning to survive in a country I didn’t know.

“Enough with the number of days. Paxton and Fordom are taking care of Beatrice and I’m meant to be in the country with a wife about to give birth. So, my villainous friends, have a care. I’m in no mood to bandy words or answer threats.”

“And what gives you the right to care for her?” Puck drawled. “She has an alpha mother.”

“Not fit. Nor the youngest sister who’s an alpha. As you’d guess since neither of them have knocked on your door despite the fact the whole town is buzzing with the news that a Hartwell omega has made her nest with, and you’ll pardon my language–”

“No need to call names, your grace,” I warned him. “We don’t care for society and Hippolyta was content to put herself into our power.”

“Don’t give a damn ‘bout your pedigree. However she ain’t got an alpha to look after her. No doubt she’d like to shoot me for interfering but I’m sticking my oar in nonetheless. A fair warning to you both. I was once told Polly is like a cat, dissatisfied wherever she is. When she chooses to leave, don’t tie yourself up in knots. She’ll be back soon enough.”
