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Had the scent of sex had reached the Hell? Could Jude in his cell could smell her sweet omega slick? Would it drive him wild, chained as he was, with need? Was his pierced cock aching? I hoped so. He deserved every agony of unfulfilled desire for what he’d done to her.

“I’m going to devour that cunt,” Oberon growled behind me. He reached around, pulled on my cock, his thumb gliding over the head and smearing the pre-cum. “I want you to fuck her, fill her up, and then I’m going to feast on her.”

“We’ll fuck her together. Two knots,” I said arching into him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you…”

“Yes, goddess, you know I want that.” His lips found my neck, sucking on my pulse, making it rush harder, making my cock swell in his hand. I wrapped my hand around his, encouraging him to squeeze hard, jerk me more forcibly. He thrust once more and forced his swelling knot inside me. It stole my breath away as his knot pressed against the target spot inside of me. Then the throbbing, the added heat, and Oberon’s sinful groan spurred my release. Cum pulsed out of my cock and Oberon purring satisfaction carried me through another dry jolt of pleasure. “That’s it. Come for me, schatz.”

My eyes flew to the cage where the women lay panting. And Polly, so sure and confident when she fucked Conny watched us with trepidation. Her gaze was focused on my cock. I gripped Oberon’s hand and moved it away. Her pupils shone mirrored gold as she took in my knot and goddess, if possible her scent deepened. The frostiness richer for her arousal.

As the haze of sex lessened, languid passes of Oberon’s tongue on my neck signalled he was fully sated for now. We could watch our omega now as she writhed under the attention of Conny who tirelessly played with Polly’s body.

“You never had the pleasure of ordering them about,” I murmured.

“The visual feast was too delicious.”

“You enjoyed being a bystander?” I asked unhooking my leg and prepared to wait for his knot to go down.

“Yes. For that omega, yes. Are you ready?” He whispered in my ear. “An omega. Are you ready?”

I nodded, annoyed he had asked. We’d spoken of it more recently. My refusal to fuck omegas had always been rooted in my parents belief each alpha and omega had a fated mate. Their own union had been forged that way. Even when they had been separated, thrown into bondage, and their royal titles stripped away they had known they were each other’s fate. And I believed it. Not from superstition but faith. When the revolution was won three years later, they found each within the span of a month. I was born within a year of their reunion.

She is across the deep water. She will be fire and fury. And you will plow her fertile ground.

Those were the words of the priest my parents had found. Those were the words that put me on a ship against my will so that I landed on these shores, friendless and penniless. Until I’d found Oberon, blind drunk, playing cards with lordling.

“She is everything they promised you,” he said as if he could read my thoughts. “I did not believe until I saw her.”

“They never said I would share her,” I reminded him. He growled an unspoken warning: he would share but only because he would not be denied. “Not with one, much less two alphas.”

“Jude won’t be forgiven,” he said so cavalierly that I knew he was attempting to provoke me. Turning in and observing the roiling tempest inside, I found myself content with Jude entering our menage.

“She wants him. And you’d have thrown him onto the street if you truly believed she wanted him gone. To die like a rat in the gutter.”

“He has his appeal,” he admitted, groaning as Oberon’s knot released me.. Polly’s moaning cry punctuated his words. I returned my gaze to the pair of them. The pang that it should be Sarah edging Polly hit me in the gut. Polly’s dazed eyes found mine, eyes blown black with desire.

“Please, no more,” she begged. I crawled over to her. Opened the door and leant into the nest-like space she had gotten.

“Have we broken you yet?” I asked softly. The urge to run my fingers through her hair, fist it, and draw her mouth to mine nearly overpowered me. We were breaking together and in this moment of clarity I wondered who would give in first and admit that one of us would soon be confessing to desires beyond those of the body. Me, I decided. Then crashed my lips onto hers, catching her surprise by tangling our tongues together. The kiss was heaven, Conny’s taste on her lips and something even more delightful than all that. She responded. Hands cupping my face and bringing her closer, closer, and closer. Holding me like a lover. Goddess, I need more of her for Polly was nothing like I’d ever known. Too much of everything and I would never be able to get enough.

“Never,” she growled. But the ferocity in her expression was balanced by her plush lips, red bruised from our kiss. “You’ll never break me.”

“Good. Then endure.” Hands still in her hair, I sat back on my heels. “One more, then a hundred, Polly.”

Her eyes looked over my shoulder to Oberon who knelt behind me. I could feel the press of his thighs against mine and the heavy weight of his half-hard cock nestled against my ass. She blinked, eyes refocusing, understanding returning as she understood she’d kissed an alpha. Her lips pulled back in a snarl and she kicked out, connecting with my chest, in her attempt to propel herself away from us. “No alphas. No knots.”

An unholy scream ripped through the stalemate. I knew who it was. We all did. Jude was in the throes of a fever dream associated to the withdrawal from alpha’s bane.

“Is he in pain?” Conny’s voice trembled. Another wounded roar was answer enough.

Polly’s face had drained of blood making her look deathly pale against the dark red of the sheets. Another shout. It would be hard to explain that he was actually a floor above us when the violence of the sound made it feel as if Jude was on the other side of the door. That by some unfortunate accident the fireplaces aligned and somehow the sound travelled from his prison to hers.

“Do you want to see him?” Oberon asked. “I’ll let you out of your room so that you can see him? How about that?”

“No,” Polly hissed. “He—”

“I think you should see what you have reduced him to.” She flinched as if he’d hit her. “Come. Now.”

