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“She’s returnedand with the boy,” he said looking visibly relieved. He didn’t know where Omega House was and Puck had been the one to hold Moth back when he charged Jude and demanded information. “I’ll make her ears ring, so I will. And then you can yell at her all you want. Just so long as you say nothing to the wee man, you can let that temper loose, Mister Drexler.”

I huffed but my emotions ebbed somewhat in the face of another’s powerful feeling that Polly needed a firm hand to deal with her.

Watching Tod hold Polly’s hand and talk with great animation as they walked up the steps, I realised I’d never seen her so like a typical omega. Caring, maternal, and overflowing with love.

My nephew in turn looked happy, healthy, and clean. Until he saw me and then a dark frown puckered his brow.

“Tod, we talked about this. Don’t,” Polly admonished. Naturally the heathen ignored her command—though I’d no idea what it might be—and took the stairs at a run meeting me at the head of the landing. I crouched down, ready to give him a hug.

“I hate you!” He screeched and punched me in the face. “Aunty Pol says I must forgive you.” Now she received his deathly glare. “And threatened that I’d be on a diet of spinach and potatoes for a week and I wouldn’t be allowed back to Omega House, if I hit you. But that isn’t fair. Emotions are vital to a healthy relationship with the soul. And mine are very violent.”

“A family trait, no doubt.” She sounded gleeful.

I snatched my nephew into my arms and stood. “Scamp. I feel your… aunt… has the right of it. Now, run to the kitchen and have whatever cook will make for you.”

I dropped him on the floor. He gave my waist a quick squeeze then rushed Polly, nearly knocking her over, and planted a smack on her waiting cheek. “See. My uncle lets me get away with murder.”

“If only I was so lucky,” she muttered. Then he was off with a whoop. “You spoil him. I don’t suppose we can—”

“Come here, little bird.”

“No.” The mulish tilt of her chin had me wanting to put her over my knee and spank the brattishness out of her. “We stayed away because he was enjoying the garden.”

“Oh? So you did not intend to turn me into a villain out of a Gothic Romance?”

“I’m more like to be tarred with that brush,” she said softly. “I had good intentions even if my impulse was less than honourable. I brought him back to you because this is his home.”

“I’d every intention of allowing you free to return him.”

“I’m—” She took her bottom lip between her teeth biting to the point of pain. “There are many things I am willing to trust you with. But where he was kept is not one of them.”

“So you chose to run? When I would have let you go on the condition of his return?” In truth, the fact of her escape meant little to me. But condone her leaving without the promise of bringing my nephew back? That would not be overlooked.

“You? Trust that I’d keep a promise? You trust me as must as I trust you. Besides it was easy.” She tilted her head. “Did you make it easy?”

In a flash I had my hand around her throat and pressed against the wall. Be damned if people saw us. There were times when a point must be made in the moment with or without an audience.

I tightened my grip until I heard a faint gasp leave her pretty mouth. “Do not repeat that stunt, Hippolyta,” I warned her. “Break free of your cage again if you must, but you will leave a note for your alphas. We had to lock Puck in his room and he near destroyed the door trying to get out.” The lie might be discovered. She was cunning enough. “You are blessed by the goddess that Jude guessed your mission and that I trusted our loyal pet.”

I loosened my hold.

“And what about you?” she wheezed.

“I plan on tying you up and fucking you while you cannot move. To take away all of your precious control so that you know how I felt.” The heady scent of her slick, tickled my senses. Impossible to ignore it. Impossible to deny my need to master the unconquerable force of the omega I wanted more than my next breath. “I’d do it now if you press the issue.”

“I’ll never take an alpha’s knot.” She sounded so sure that it took all my power not to find my way between her thighs and coax more slick out of her. “You put me in a cage—”

“Now, now, pretty Polly. We both know you could free yourself. So tell me, do you like your cage so much that you returned after fleeing the nest?” I taunted her. “A bird must have a nest.”

She struggled, hissing but not denying me.

“I returned for Tod. He’d not have come on his own. And for the promise I made you. My body for my sister’s life.”

My guts churned with envy and fury and disbelief and more emotions besides, each bleeding into the other. Games and plans side lined and reconsidered. One thing remained though: this omega would be mine. I bent and brushed a kiss against her pouting mouth, retreating quickly before she could bite my lips off. “You are a marvel. But I think you returned for yourself.”

The sting of her slap did nothing to abate my desire for her.

“Though I be but little, I am fierce,” she quipped.
