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“I am was thinking how nice it will be to celebrate the Solstice at Orley’s place this year.”

“Liar. Regardless, think no more of it. Your sisters have called.”

Was all the warning I got before Viola and Beatrice pushed into the room. Viola waddled, she was near her time and I wondered that Orley would let her out. Beatrice looked drawn, tried, as if she hadn’t slept since her ordeal but when saw me a smile bloomed across her face and her eyes sparkled. “You look well,” she said, her soft pretty voice sparked a sob from me, startling both my sisters. “Dearest!”

“No, please. It is just my heat,” I explained. “I’ve been exposed to too many alphas.”

“Oh, I know that.” Viola eased herself onto the sofa and leant back. “Nothing worse than a heat without your alpha.”

“Vi, I have a very clear memory of nearly putting a bullet through the head of the alpha who abandoned you when you went into heat once.” Beatrice had the temerity to giggle. “And you! Let’s not even start with the chaotic way you went into heat and before shooting a man. I’ve cleaned up enough of your messes. No need for me to put up with these alphas.”

A yelp in the hall and Moth’s stern voice put me on high alert. Tod could not meet my sisters. Not yet. “One moment.”

I nearly fell over myself to get to the door before Tod could come through. He stood, a mulish expression on his face and covered in flour, on the top step and when he saw me executed a sharp spin and rushed into my skirts.

“Moth says I can’t meet the omegas. I want to meet your sisters, Aunt Pol.”

“Not today, especially looking like a baker’s apprentice. And if you behave like a brat and throw a strop, I’ll have you sit in the corner and recite your times tables backwards.”

“You are cruel, Aunt Pol.”

“Go annoying your uncle Oberon.” I whirled away before he could see me smile. Back in the drawing room, my sisters were all

“Who was that?” Beatrice asked. “The urchin?”

“Oberon’s nephew.” I brushed at my skirts which were covered in flour. “He wanted to meet you but is a mess. Has been bothering cook.”

“Oh! How I would love that. I’m trying to learn more about children,” Vi said with a pout.

“Another time,” Beatrice said. “We’ve more important things. You have a mate.”

My hand flew to my healing bite. To my surprise my scent turned bitter. “I—“

“Dearest, it is not so bad.” Beatrice reached out. “I have not been able to thank them for everything they did.”

“They put you in danger,” I gasped out.

“My alphas were just as responsible,” she assured me. “I won’t put blame on anyone but Stimpson.”

“You are more generous than I.”

“You are too much—”

“Pol, I need to speak to you.” Jude opened the door and stalled at the sight of my sisters. “What is it? Is everything alright?” He came straight to me, burying his nose in my throat. “Your scent is bitter. What upset you?”

“Just my sisters needling me.”

“Oh, oh. Jude, the alpha. I am so pleased to finally meet you.” Viola raised her hand for him to kiss which he did with far more elegance that I knew him capable of. “But we should leave you. I must nap. Beatrice must paint. And you, sirrah, must take care of my sister as you have always done.”

“Such a talker,” Bea tutted but she seemed to whisk the heavily pregnant Viola out of the room faster than the pair of them had entered.

Left with Jude, I worried my lip between my teeth. “I’m… I think I’d like to lie down.”

“Of course.” He sounded so resigned. Despite all, when we were alone, I never knew what to say to him. Never knew how to broach the subjects that so desperately needed discussing.

But instead of retiring to my cage, I slipped away to find Tod who lay flopped on his back staring at the ceiling in the dining room. My nephew. My sister’s child who she thought dead. But he was alive. So alive and vibrant with more to give the world than I could possibly imagine at this point.

“Aunt Pol!” The little boy jumped up and his toothy grin was so bright and beautiful that all my frustrations at the world fled. What did my anger and bitterness matter when this child lived and thrived?
