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“Guess so.” Nero leaned a shoulder into the frame of the doorway, and I sensed him watching me. What was he thinking? How helpful I was, or how he’d hunt me down when Ifinished?

Before long, I had Dagen’s arms covered. I dumped the salt into the vinegar and stirred with my hand. I dunked a larger piece of fabricinside.

“What are you doing?” Neroasked.

I patted the cold material across Dagen’s chest, covering him from his bellybutton to his neck. “Wolfsbane attacks major organs while numbing limbs. So I need to bring warmth to his extremities so they get feeling back. I use the salt in vinegar to extract any poisons in his torso.” I ran another damp strip across Dagen’s brow and down his face, wiping away the perspiration. What I needed was for him to drink some vinegar so he could vomit more of the poisonout.

Nero had left again. Okay, back to alone time with Mr. Handsome. Fine with me. “More time for us to chat,” I said and continued wiping a cold rag across his closed eyes and dried lips, hoping it would help awakenhim.

Back in the woods, I hadn’t recalled seeing any herbs that could assist him, but then again, I’d spent my time trying to survive. So why was that first wolf I encountered so vicious and blood-hungry while Nero remained calm? Well, okay, Oryn seemed crazed, and he freaked me out. Must be a wolf thing and I didn’t get it. If this was the hospitality they dished out, it made sense why no one dared enter their territory. Still, hanging out in their cabin wasn’t conducive to ensuring I survived another day. I was their prisoner. The fact that they hadn’t killed me yet didn’t mean it wasn’t a matter of time, and yet I had kissed my captor. What was that about? I must have drunk too much river water, and it had made me delusional. Plus, a charge of electricity had shuddered through me in the stream. What had that beenabout?

I wiped Dagen’s brow once more. “You not waking up might be the only thing keeping me alive. How ironic.” In any other situation, I might have hollered withlaughter.

An explosive growl boomed throughout the house, and I shuddered, my back plastered to the wall near thebed.

I glanced into the dark corridor. What was that sound and where did the other doors lead? Wiping my wet hands down my pants, I crept toward the corridor. Darkness consumed the hallway and farther to my left lay a door. I pushed one leg forward, then another, my gaze fixed on the point where the hall curved. I kept expecting Oryn to come charging in and ripping into me, but I had to know where Iwas.

Okay, keep it together.Once I get out, I run.I’d navigate home by finding a way back up on the cliff I’d fallenfrom.

With quick steps, I reached the first door and touched the brass knob. Every inch of me trembled as I twisted the handle. I held my breath as I entered a pitch-black room. With the light behind me sprawling inside, I found three piles of blankets stacked against the wall. Nothing else. Were these their sleeping quarters? Squinting, I stared through the dark. Zilch. Along with nowindows.


A sinking feeling rattled through me, so I continued down the hallway, determined to find the way out. My gaze swung left and right in the hall, but nothing came forme.

More sounds, like a dying animal screeching. My skin pinpricked, and more than anything I wanted to help the poor thing. Were they torturing their meal? I was in a wolf’s home. But Nero explained this was more of a medical cabin, so maybe a shifter lay hurt? I inched down the hallway and around the corner to find several other doorways, along with the one at the end. Exactly where I’d woken up on the table in front of afireplace.

The next one I checked turned out to be a closet, stacked with towels, striped fabric, and even a pillow. That part made me smirk as I pictured a tough wolf needing a pillow, but I supposed everyone needed comfort. It had taken me months to find the right filling for my pillow back home as I woke up day after day with the sorest neck andheadache.

I opened the next door. Golden light flooded out, stealing the darkness from thehallway.

“Come in, Scarlet,” Nerosaid.

My heart thumped beneath my breastbone as too many scenarios filled my mind. Him turning all furry on me for trying to escape, or maybe I’d stumbled across him gorging a victim. Or he was sharpening his teeth and prepared to chain me up.Heavens.

But doing nothing wasn’t an option, so I stepped into a large kitchen lit by a fireplace with a cauldron suspended over the flames. The most delicious soup aroma filled mynostrils.

Across from the mantle was a long table, where Nero lounged in a chair, his legs propped up on an empty seat and crossed at the ankles. Naked, no longer wearing my cloak to cover himself. “I was wondering how long it would take you toexplore.”

Think fast. The first thing that popped into my head came streaming out. “Well, I need more herbs to help your friend. And where’s mybag?”

“Your bag is in a safe place for now. I can’t risk having wolfsbane around thehouse.”

I scanned the room, noting the stool near the fireplace was stacked with a handful of plates and bowls. Okay, maybe they weren’t complete savages. But when my gaze settled on the door at the rear of the room, a sprinkle of hope spiked my adrenaline. Was that the wayoutside?

“It’s locked for your own safety,” Nero said. “Why don’t you take a seat? I’ll get you somefood.”

“Oh no, I’m okay. I prefer you tell me what’s going on here. Am I in danger? Why are three alphas living together when you said earlier you had your ownpacks?”

The earlier growl of a hurt animal boomed again, and I flinched, then hurried to a chair, closer to Nero. “Whatisthat?”

He sighed and was on his feet, naked, and as much as I tried to resist, my attention dipped to his abundant package. Gosh, I’d never seen so much male flesh in my time, ever. I pictured Bee flashing me two thumbs up for my effort. How can he be perfect in every way, yetterrifying?

“It’s Oryn.” Nero collected a bowl and filled it with the contents from thecauldron.

“What’s wrong with him?” I tucked a leg underneath me on the seat, studying the walls for keys and a way out. Instead, I only saw dried herbs hanging off a hook. Sage, oregano, andthyme.

“He’s trying to find himself right now, and we’re here to sort out a few problems. It’s our meeting point.” Nero placed the bowl in front of me. Nospoon.
