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“It’s Scarlet.” I rolled myeyes.

“Your garments carry your scent and will slow us down. We need adistraction.”

My pulse was racing as I looked back, praying the wolves weren’t close. Oryn stood there, wildness capturing his gaze. Yet mine dipped down his body because I had zero control.Oh, sweet heavens.He was bigger than Nero in the downstairsdepartment!

“Hurry. Later you will have plenty of time to studyme.”

I arched a brow and looked up as the corner of his mouth turned upward. For the love of wolfsbane, he had me burning up, and I turned away, unbuttoning my vest. Yep, because my options were either face the wolves or get into the river. Though I had no idea why I had to get naked. When I twisted to protest, Oryn towered overme.



The snap of foliage came from within the woodland, and I toed off my boots, then pulled off my shirt, pants, andunderwear.

Oryn reached over and grabbed my belongings before bunching them into a ball and running down the bank at least fifteen feet. He then tossed them into the forest and my boots fartheraway.

“They were my favorite shoes,” I mumbled tomyself.

A grunt grew louder from somewherenear.

I twitched and spun, searching for theculprit.

Oryn snatched my wrist and hauled me into the river. “Quick.”

I covered my breasts with an arm, and a scream of protest wedged in my chest for agreeing to lose my clothes and remain naked in the wolves’ territory. But getting eaten wasn’t an option, and when the heavy snarls emerged from within the forest, I moved withhaste.

Oryn smiled but didn’t say a word as he drew me deeper. Iciness lapped to my waist, and the pebbly river bottom stabbed my feet. I winced. He leaned over, slid a hand under my knees and another behind my back, lifting me off my feet, and cradled me in hisarms.

The air gushed from my lungs. We pressed against each other, naked. He kept moving, the coldness splashing up and over mystomach.

I shivered. “I c-can w-walk.”

“You’re too slow. Now holdon.”

I pulled my gaze from Oryn and noticed we headed toward the edge of the waterfall, where the cascade thinned. Too terrified to argue, I hugged his neck, staring at the river behindus.

“I’ll keep you safe. Trust me,” Oryn whispered in my ear, and his soft words uncoiled the knot in my gut. I held on to him tight and stared at the bank where the first shape of a wolf had appeared. Would he seeus?

We pushed beneath the waterfall, and a sudden explosion of ice cold water pummeled into my side, my back, my head. I tucked myself against Oryn’s neck, nestled in his arms. The sensation was like a mountain pressing downme.

I flinched as the crashing water suffocated me, compressed down onme.

But his arms squeezed me to him, and soon enough, the agonizing beatingeased.

“Are you all right?” heasked.

I lifted my head, shaking with cold, and met his concerned expression. We now stood behind the waterfall in a cave. “That wasterrifying.”

“We’re safe here? The wolves won’t risk the flow ofwaterfall.”

When he lowered my feet into a small lagoon that reached my thighs, he climbed out onto the rocky edge. His tight ass caught my attention, along with his strong legs and his muscles moving beneath his skin. Who was this hunter? He strode forward into the mouth of darkness, leaving mealone.

“Hello, Oryn?” My words shook, and I hated that I showed fear. I followed and a frostiness settled in my bones. Yep and my nudity wasn’t helping one bit… though body heat would help. I sounded more like Bee everyday.

A glint flicked from deeper inside the cave and at once, a golden flame illuminated at the rear. Shadows leaped across his face as he crouched near the fire set up on a premade bed of timber surrounded by a circle ofrocks.
