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I lifted the pouch with prepared herbs and opened the tied cord. With no idea how much was needed to cleanse such a large pool of water, I’d tripled the quantities. But rivers were enormous and what if the cure washed away before the wolves drank it? That was why only the wolves in a certain part of the Den had been affected over a specific period. The poison washed downstream. And what if my quantities weren’tenough?

“Time to do this,” I whispered to myself before pouring the contents into the bowl. They floated across the surface of the water, and I placed my palms over them, needing to inject a huge round of energy into them. Enough that it covered the waters, maybe even lingered on the banks and affected the stream for a fewdays.

A snap of energy rolled down my skin. It zapped out from my fingertips, infusing the contents. I poured my power into the mixture, never stopping, imagining wolves drinking it and healing atonce.

A wave of dizziness captured me, and I stopped. Okay, I’d pushed myself, so I climbed to my feet and tossed the amplified water from the bowl out across theriver.

The moment it touched the water, a sizzling spark snapped across the surface, as if it had been struck bylightning.

Someone gasped behind me, and Nero was there, whispering in my ear. “What wasthat?”

“Hopefully the solution to help Oryn’spack.”

An aggressive snarl erupted, and I spotted Nero and Dagen carrying a thrashing wolf. Dagen held a hand around itsmouth.

I snatched my bowl and filled it with the cleansed water, then rushed towered them. “Put him down,” I said. “We need him to drinkthis.”

Oryn held his head. Jaws snapped. The animal growled, his throat rumbling, saliva frothing at the sides of hismouth.

I leaned closer and poured the solution into his jaw. He shook, spat it out, spraying all ofus.

“Keep trying,” Orynsaid.

Once again, I dribbled more down his throat, and that time he swallowed. So I kept feeding himmouthfuls.

But when the wolf’s eyes rolled upward, I said, “Releasehim.”

And we all stepped back as the afflicted wolfshuddered.

I held my breath, and I reached over, grabbing Oryn’shand.

Within moments, the animal’s body trembled. One leg kicked outward, stretching, then the others, his spin elongating, earsshortening.

“Yes, it’s working,” I calledout.

No one moved, the four of us staring as the former wolf now resembled a female who had to be in her forties. Well, she was a female, not a male, as I’d referred to her earlier. She glanced up at us, panic gripping her features. “Oryn?” Her voice squeaked. “What’shappening?”

He knelt near her and helped her up. “Nexy, you are okay and safenow.”

Joy beamed in my heart because it meant the remedy hadworked.

Nero was by my side and lifted me into his arms, spinning me. “Little lamb, you didit.”

I laughed, unable to stop because for the first time in too long, something had gone right. “Now we get all the affected wolves to drink thewater.”

Oryn reached me as Nero dropped me to my feet. “I can’t thank youenough.”

“You owe me nothing,” Isaid.

“Yes, I do.” He reached over and kissed me. “I owe you my life, my future, mylove.”

It hurt to smile so much and having three men stare at me with admiration left me jittering withexcitement.

“Me too,” Neroadded.

“And me.” Dagen squeezed myhand.

“Each and every one of you are mine,” Isaid.
