Page 10 of Hades is Mine

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Not to mention the darkness that came off him almost like steam. Or black fog.

X struck first. Somehow, I’d known he would. And I was ready for him. I managed to duck the punch and struck outward, hitting him in the ribs.

And what do you know? He was some kind of devil, but he was solid enough for me to pack a punch and for him to feel it.

Helet out a roar that curdled my blood and attacked me full force. I had to pull out all my reserves, but I unleashed a lot more power than before, and I charged faster than ever. The fight turned vicious immediately, his hits faster, harder, and he pushed me back with his assault. But I surprised myself when I held my own and struck back, my fist connecting with his face, my kicks throwing him backward. We moved fast, no stopping, just attacking.

“You’re getting better.” He mocked me, but the tone in his voice suggested he was just as surprised as I was. “Pity it won’t be enough.”

He lunged quickly and slammed me against one of the mirrors, cracking it. My head spun, and I cried out when the glass splintered and one of the shards dug into my shoulder, wedging beneath the shoulder blade.

But that wasn’t going to stop me from getting out of here. X had his black hand wrapped around my throat, his fingers tightening like a vise. I couldn’t breathe. I was in trouble. And I clawed at the arm that felt very real underneath the black fog that oozed out of his pores, and I tried to kick. But he barely reacted to my hits now, despite how hard I struck him. My lungs screamed for air, burning with each passing second.

“This was almost too easy, Elyse,” X snarled, mocking me again with a smile.

I struggled to focus on anything when my attention honed in on his long teeth as they dripped with menace. Was I going to die so soon? I’d been confident enough we could do this, that I could finally defeat him. I hadn’t any other choice, but now that earlier dread sliced through me, and I stepped backward, hating the way X grinned at my fear.

But I’d come too far, lost three lives, followed in my dad and brothers’ footsteps. I’d changed, so I couldn’t let X win. Not now or ever.

I wasn’t ready to die yet. Too many things crossed my mind, giving me reason to keep fighting, to stay alive for my men and the mortals I’d keep alive. This wasn’t over. There were too many people whom X would kill if I didn’t do something about him.

I grabbed at the broken mirror behind me. I couldn’t reach down to the floor to pick up one of the shards, but I dug my fingers underneath the splintered parts. The raw glass sliced my skin open, but I managed to snap off a piece.

It made a loud cracking sound, and yeah, X would figure out what I was up to, so I had to move fast. My arm blurred when I yanked it forward and plunged the shard into his ribs.

He cried out and let go of my neck, catching at the wound I’d inflicted on him. I lost my grip on the makeshift spear I’d created, but because he’d let me go, I moved swiftly, kicking him right on the wound with my other foot, driving the mirror shard in deeper before I punched him in the head.

“You’re going to pay for this!” X roared, and the darkness that had floated behind him earlier bubbled around him like a volcano about to erupt.

I gasped for air, the sharp ache in my hand shooting up my arm. But despite the glass in my back and my bleeding fingers, I’d fight until I couldn’t fight anymore. I wasn’t giving up.

“You think you’ve won,” X sneered. “But I’m going to come for you when you least expect it. Watch your back, little Lowe.”

With that, he disappeared. I turned around, looking at the broken mirror and my blood on the floor. I sank to my knees, gasping.

X didn’t just threaten. He’d make good on his promise, and I had to be ready when he came for me again. This time, it really was the end game.

I dragged myself to my bag, fished for my phone, and dialed Poseidon’s number. I had to talk to them about what had happened. Why had none of the gods felt his presence and come to my aid? I suspected X somehow worked out how to block them feeling him. Most of all, I needed help and healing.
