Page 23 of Hades is Mine

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A shiver slithered down my spine, but I refused to let fear own me. I’d do this on my own, just as I’d been trained to do. I carried Lowe blood in my veins, a blessing from Zeus, which made me special. I had to believe I stood a chance of beating this monster.

“Fine,” I called out, swallowing down the fear that had started to rise. “If you want this to be a one-on-one, so be it.”

I’m strong. I can fight him,I kept repeating in my mind.

So, I attacked. There was no reason for me to wait. I threw all my energy into my assault, punching and kicking and slashing. And X did the same. He was tougher than he’d been when he came to me at the training center, but I was a worthy opponent thanks to my anger, and this time, we were equals.

We carried on like this, matching each other blow for blow, and I gasped for air. With no idea whether X had the capacity to exhaust himself or not, I’d give everything I had, and that meant getting him down before that happened.

I drove a punch to his chest, and he recoiled from the impact, a gasp of air falling from his lips. We stared at each other for that stretched moment. Fucking bastard stared at me, understood I was no longer a pushover.

But before I got around to thinking of a strategy, he disappeared. One moment, the power had been so dense around me it was as if we’d battled in a black cloud, and the next moment, it was a clear day. I stood alone in the street with nothing but the strange magic sticking to my skin and his laughter echoing around me. “You can fight all you want, little Lowe, but you’re not going to stop this. No matter what you do.”

What the fuck? He was actually running away from me?

I pressed my hand against my head, and it came away red with blood. Great, injuries. I let out a cry of frustration and my scream echoed between the buildings down the abandoned alley. But eventually, they died out too, as ineffective as everything else I did.
