Page 33 of Hades is Mine

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Chapter 13


I woke up in a bed that wasn’t mine. I wasn’t with Poseidon or Ares. Or Apollo. Thinking about him made my chest ache every time.

When I looked around the room, I realized I was at Hades’s place. And the night before came crashing down on me. Naked under the sheets, I shifted my thighs against one another, the delicious rawness of a night well-fucked making me smile.

Hades snoozed next to me. I’d never seen him sleep before, and I studied his face. He looked young like this. When he wasn’t angry with me, or fighting, or fucking, he was very pleasant to look at. Thick, black eyelashes brushed his cheeks and his black curly hair was a mess after I’d pushed my hands through it so many times last night.

He was so fucking hot.

The sheets covered only his sex and one hip, and I let my gaze slide over his wide shoulders, narrow hips, and defined muscles. He was built like an inverted triangle, not as bulky as Apollo though, nor as solid as Ares. He looked a bit like Poseidon with similar hair and the bluest eyes, but Hades was a lot broodier and darker.

Hades was his own kind of perfection, as they all were, and it still stunned me to see him lying here, as I expected him to ditch me like the multiple times he’d done so before. I loved that he hadn’t behaved that way again. Maybe this time was real, and he’d finally admit his feelings. Okay, maybe that would be hoping for too much, but this was progress.

When he stretched, the sheet slipped farther down, and I noted the bulge growing. He was waking up, and I smiled.

“Morning, beautiful,” he murmured.

I glanced at him, my cheeks heating over the fact I’d been staring at his dick. When he opened his eyes, made of the bluest ice, he smiled. He remembered exactly who was here with him, and it made me feel wonderful to have him look at me with such admiration.

“Hey,” I said, suddenly shy.

But we hadn’t, not like this. Hades and I’d always had rough, quick sessions, after which he ditched me. The lust always grew crazy and it ended far too early. This time, we’d cuddled afterward. We fell asleep together and woke up together.

He leaned over and kissed me. His body felt loose and relaxed. No morning breath, either. Perks of being a god.

“I’m getting in the shower,” he said, sliding out of bed.

I burrowed deeper beneath the sheets, feeling every inch of my body against the satiny material, and I grinned, taking in a lungful of air. The chirp of birds from somewhere outside rang out in the air, bringing with it the desire to lie in bed all day with Hades. We always fought, but suddenly everything had turned around and now we were… Together? I wasn’t sure exactly where we stood, but this was far better than what we had until now.

While he was in the shower, I got up and put on the shirt he’d dropped next to the bed in our frenzy. His sexy scent encased me as I slid it over my head. I didn’t want to get back into my little black dress, and his shirt was so big, it covered me down to my knees, anyway. The gods were all massive compared to human men. Alpha male to the very core. Large and muscular, intimidating and wonderful.

After he climbed out of the shower, I sat cross-legged on the bed and watched him as he crossed the room. He wore a towel around his hips and his hair hung in curls around his temples.

“What are we going to do today?” I asked, my gaze following him around the room. Something about him seemed off.

He shrugged. “I haven’t thought that far.”

I waited for a moment and tried again. “I could go home if you’d rather be alone.”

“Do what you feel like,” he replied.

This was the Hades I’d gotten to know, the Hades who’d appeared and disappeared until last night. The person I’d been with in this bed was someone completely different and he was gone now. Hades was switched off toward me, as stark and unemotional as before. The idea he might stop reverting to his jerk self had been too good to be true.

“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” I wasn’t going to beat about the bush on this one.

He was always full of shit, and if he was going to start with me now, fantastic night or not, I was going to be done with this crap.

Hades turned around to face me, his hands on his hips. The towel hung dangerously low, and I tried not to focus on it. We’d already had an incredible night—getting into it again right now was exactly what I didn’t need. I had to focus on what was happening in the present.

“So?” I prompted when he didn’t say anything.

“I’m not going to do a relationship thing just because it’s what you want,” he said. “I don’t play games.”

I shook my head, confused. “What are you talking about? I thought this was what you wanted.Iwasn’t the one who broughtyouhome, after all.”

He paced around the room as if he were trying to find the right words. I’d never seen him like this, not quite so disoriented.
