Page 39 of Hades is Mine

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I’d never run this fast or been this surefooted. I managed to escape X when he slashed at me. I felt like a cockroach, being chased by a human with a vengeance to eliminate me once and for all. But I had Elyse with me, and I wouldn’t let X get to her.

No matter what.

I didn’t know if X let me go or if I was good enough to get away after all, but one minute blackness smothered me, and the next, I stood in a different part of the city, surrounded by normal daylight and a park, Elyse limp in my arms. Several people walked around the path of the green lawn, lush trees surrounding the grounds. No one seemed to notice us appearing out of thin air.

Elyse was still alive, but barely. Seeing her this way cut me deep, and I shook with the need to do something: fight, scream, anything… Not that it would do any good. Here I was a fucking god and couldn’t do a damn thing to save her. What good was I?

Heracles would know what to do. I turned and headed in his direction. To hell with buildings and streets. I lifted myself up in the air. I hadn’t flown on Earth much before, even though I could. There’d been no reason to, and I hadn’t wanted to give myself away. My head swirled with so many regrets, and my body felt as if my blood had become tar, struggling to pump through my veins. Why hadn’t I stopped Elyse earlier, before she’d gone after X? This was my fault, my fucking damn fault for not taking her the moment she showed a sign of disobeying my order to not fight X. Now, ice encased my chest, and if I lost Elyse, I doubt I’d ever feel again.

Right now, I didn’t give a shit.

Suddenly, Hades appeared before me. He stood on the top of a tall building. I paused in midflight, Elyse still against my chest, her eyes closed and the stench of death following closely behind, catching up to us.

“She’s alive, right?” he asked, his voice curt. “Did he kill her?”

“Why the fuck do you care?” I asked.

He didn’t answer me. “I saw the whole thing.”

My fury detonated into a spewing volcano. “And you didn’t think to jump in and help us?” I shouted. “She could fucking die, Hades. Why didn’t you do something?”

He didn’t answer me, and I only gave him a second to respond before I exploded.

“You’re a coward, you know that? A piece-of-shit, son-of-a-bitch, no-good pathetic excuse for a god.” I was nice. I could have said much worse about him. “Get the fuck out of my way. I’m taking her to someone who actually cares about whether or not she gets through this.”

Hades shook his head. His eyes were stormy when he looked at me and I expected him to pick a fight or say something. Hell, if he would just do something, it would show he cared about her at all.

But he didn’t do anything or say anything; he didn’t show he was worth shit. He merely disappeared.

I didn’t have time to think about him. Hades was the last person on my priority list, and I had to get Elyse to Heracles before it was too late. Her heart beat slowly, weakly. She wasn’t going to make it for much longer, and this time, there would be no coming back.

But she was still with me.

“Stay with me,” I whispered as I flew through the air, not giving a shit about who saw me or what they made of the sight.
