Page 55 of Hades is Mine

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“Elyse!” I called, and she glanced over her shoulder. When she saw me, she backed away from X.

“What is it?” She was winded, breathing hard, and her injuries from before were still taking their toll—her skin bruised, wounds torn open once again. Blood dripped down her arm and neck. She fought hard, but she wasn’t at full capacity. This was as good a time as any.

“I have to tell you something.” I spoke fast as we moved away from X.

I opened my mouth to tell her the truth, but a bolt of lightning struck the ground close to us, and Elyse and I both jumped back. Thunder surrounded us, crackling through the sky and rumbling and suddenly, Zeus stood before us.

“Why don’t you just mind your own fucking business?” he snarled with a voice almost as loud as the thunder itself.

That just pissed me off. He was supposed to be the one above us all, so how could he let it come to this?

“You’re just going to let this happen?” I retorted, my hands clenched into fists.

“Get the hell out of my face before I punish you, too.” His lips thinned, his cheeks reddened. He was pissed.

“What’s going on?” Elyse looked from me to Zeus and back, her brow furrowing with confusion.

“You’re not even going to tell her?” I demanded.

“Tell me what?”

Zeus shook his head and threw a bolt of lightning that hit me square in the chest. I screamed from the electricity piercing right through me, and I staggered backward, unable to handle his full wrath, knowing if I didn’t do what Zeus asked of me, this wasn’t going to end well. My legs weakened under me, but I stayed upright…because I was a god, after all.

“Fine, if you want to be this way, why don’t you just watch us all burn in hell?” I stormed away, not knowing what else to do. Zeus was being full of shit, but he was still the kingpin.

Maybe Elyse could get something out of him, because fuck knew no one else was going to be able to reason with the guy. I sincerely hoped they would come to some kind of agreement because we were going to see the death of an entire city, and then, after that, even more.

Was that really worth Zeus being on his high horse? He cared enough about the humans to offer them the Lowe family of fighters for protection. I just didn’t understand why he acted like he didn’t give a shit.
