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Chapter 17


Ican’t remember the last time I felt so sated, so warm, so content. Lucien lounges on the floor in front of the fire like he’s a cat all stretched out with his belly full of food, while Dušan sits near me on the couch, my feet in his lap and his magical fingers pressing in all the right spots on my soles.

“If you just gave me this massage the first time we met in the woods, Dušan, I would never have run away.” I giggle at my silliness, and Lucien looks over at us, rolling his eyes.

“If only it were that easy, my little hellcat,” Dušan adds, laughing.

Lucien just looks at me with mischief.

The fire’s blaze is a blanket around me, and it has me ready to sleep out here rather than back in the bedroom. I look toward the door, then turn to Dušan. “Do you think Bardhyl is okay out there alone?”

“In his current state he is, and there’s nothing we can do for him until he calms down.”

Lucien lies on his back on the blanket spread over the wooden floorboards to resemble a rug in front of the fire. “Last year, he was gone for three days and came back completely shaved, head and body.”

“What happened?”

Lucien pushes himself to his ass and turns to us, already laughing. Dušan starts chuckling at whatever memory they’ve both recalled.

“It’s only funny if you share it with me too,” I explain, my gaze flipping from one guy to the other.

“Well, he slipped and fell down a gorge and landed in a patch of poison ivy,” Lucien begins. “He itched like crazy, so much so that he ended up passing out right outside a small gated community for humans.” He breaks out into hysterical laughter, while I’m still waiting for the punchline.

Dušan takes over. “Two girls, who were seventeen or eighteen, according to Bardhyl, found him naked in human form and red from itching. They thought he was a human like them and had been attacked, so they dragged him into their home and shaved his whole body, including his head, insisting he had fleas and they couldn’t let them infest their house.”

My mouth drops open. “They shaved himeverywhere?” I emphasize the last word.

Lucien howls with laughter, happy tears dripping from his eyes. “Get this. They carved a heart in his pubes.”

I can’t hold back this time as I picture this powerful, Viking wolf completely bald and shaved, except for the heart over his groin. My stomach hurts from laughing so much, as I can just imagine how mad he must have been.

When I can’t laugh anymore because it hurts too much, I slouch on the couch and wipe away my tears. “Oh my god, that is hilarious. He would have been so pissed off.”

“He woke up and startled the girls, who screamed that he was a fleabag, then he bolted out of there, realizing he’d been shaved. We never let him live it down. It took him a long time to grow his hair back,” Lucien says.

“And it’s why he vows to never cut it again,” Dušan murmurs.

“Poor guy. But I bet those girls had fun shaving a huge bulky man, and they would havesotouched his large cock.”

I smirk at the image in my head because I probably would have, too, out of curiosity.

Both men look at me strangely then. “What?”

“He was probably flaccid,” Lucien points out, and I arch a brow.Thatthis is the part they’re hung up on? Really?

“If it makes you feel better, I think you’re all damn large,” I say. “I’ve only seen a few here and there, and well, you three are packing incredible ammunition.”

Lucien gets to his knees and pulls at his buckle. “I think she wants us to compare for her. What do you say, Dušan?”

“No, that’s not what I said. Geez, keep it in your pants.” I roll my eyes hard at them, but it suddenly feels like an inferno in the cabin.

Dušan chuckles at us, and I am convinced my cheeks are burning up bright red.

“Fine. When Bardhyl returns, we’ll line up for you. Then you’ll see I’m the winner,” Lucien says.

Dušan clears his throat.
