Page 3 of Make Me Love You

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“I’ve missed you guys,” I say to Harvey.

The sassy little mechanic grins. “Don’t get all sappy on me, cousin.”

I chuckle when she starts loading up a plate with so much food it’s bent in two. “Good grief! I can’t eat all that.”

She studies me critically. “You’ve lost at least ten pounds. You’re gonna get sick. So you’re gonna eat as much as you can. Or I’ll force-feed you.”

I snort. “I don’t think I can gain it all back in one shot,” I protest. “I’ll explode.”

“That may be. But you will eat as much as you can. Come on, cuz. You need to relax.” She hands me the overflowing plate and nods to a seat.

“Fine. But if I end up throwing up, I’m doing it on you.”

“I would expect nothing less,” she laughs.

“Grab a seat and let’s eat.”

I shake my head and sit down by Amanda across from Harvey. Both women eye me when I start wolfing down food like I haven’t eaten in a month or so.

When I’m well into my third pinwheel and eyeing up the potatoes that I love, Amanda clears her throat.

“So. What we’ve been talking about is a new year’s resolution for each of us. We’ve all made ours but you still need to make yours.”

I choke on my bite of food, forcing it down with a big swallow of water. “I don’t have a resolution. Everything’s perfect!”

Harvey grunts. “That’s bunk and you know it. You’ve got no life beyond work. And too much of that.”

“I like my job.”

“We know you do but it’s running you into the ground. You need some kind of social life.”

“I don’t have time for that,” I huff.

“We know. That’s why Harvey is going to fix you up with one of the guys she knows.”

“Oh hell no!” I try and push my way out of the table.

“Sit down,” Amanda growls and my jaw drops open in shock. But I sit back down.

“Now, it’s just a simple little date. You’ve let yourself slip into a rut where you’re not taking care of yourself and getting some fun in. Maybe screw around a little. Dust those cobwebs off and let yourself have some good sex.”

My head whips back and forth. “Shh. I’m not gonna have sex with a perfect stranger!” I grunt.

Harvey sighs. “I didn’t say sleep with a guy on the first date. But you need to get out. And I’ve got the perfect guy.”

I eye her smug smile and the twinkle in her green eyes. “Why do I feel like I’m being walked to the guillotine?”

“Because you’re very dramatic. Trust us. You need this.”

I sigh and shake my head but I know that I’m not getting out of this. Both of them have that mulish, stubborn set to their lips that says this is happening.

“Fine. But make it for a weeknight and make it at the bar. At least I can have a drink or two. Even if the date is a total disaster.”

“You got it!”

I groan and dig into the potatoes. I’m getting a second helping too. Fuck it, if I’m getting roped into this dating thing tonight, I’m gonna eat like a condemned prisoner.

“Can one of you get me more potatoes?” I ask, tearing off a hunk of bread.

“Absolutely. Trust us, cousin. This is gonna be great for you!”

I nod but inside I’m groaning. I think this is gonna be a fucking disaster. But at least if it is, maybe I can play the sympathy card and get them to back off.

Here’s hoping.

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