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Though that didn’t seem to be the way things operated around the office. Vanessa and Kyle expected blind obedience. They expected convenience and ease for the client. They wanted a pair of puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, that looked nice when placed together, though they may have very little in common at all.

“This is more of a trial date,” I explained. “You get a feel for the process, and we can go over more of the qualities you do and don’t want in a wife based on your experience.”

“That seems a little cruel, doesn’t it?” he asked, letting the file flop down onto the desk. “We’re getting this woman’s hopes up just so you can try out a personality type on me?”

Was he trying to spin this on me?

Like I was the bad guy in all of this because he had chosen to drag his heels. “Well, I wouldn’t have to do trial and error at all if you would just give me a type that you preferred. Or gave me any indication of the type of woman you are looking for. So, this is really all on you.”

He settled back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest. “Fine. What am I supposed to do at this thing?”

What was he supposed to do? There was no way a man like this was confused about how to act on a date. He was toying with me at this point. He had to be. If he made my job that much more difficult, he figured I’d leave him be. Well, he wasn’t getting off the hook that easily. And I definitely wasn’t going to risk my job because he wanted to be difficult.

“It’s just dinner,” I said. “You do know how to go on a regular date, don’t you?”

“It’s been a while.”

“I’m sure,” I said, disbelieving. The corner of his lip tilted at one end. “Just be yourself and see how it goes. You can even wear that outfit, if you like.”

“Ah.” The smile broadened, and he peered down at his choice of clothing. “Do you like this?”

“I didn’t say that.”

He tilted his head to the side, as if he’d caught me in a lie. “But you said it would be acceptable to wear on a date.”

“I meant something casual, nothing frumpy or over the top.”

“But you admit I look good in this?”

The heat rose to my cheeks. This man was unnerving! Though, he wasn’t wrong. “I’m not admitting anything like that, Mr. Carson.”


“Excuse me?”

Hunter held out his hands. “Look, I’ve saved your life already, and you’re trying to set me up with the woman I will marry. I’m pretty sure that qualifies us for a first-name basis by now.”

Yes, let me completely break protocol and treat this man like an intimate friend. That would really help me with the whole distancing myself from the situation sort of thing. “I don’t think so.”

“I get it,” he said, nodding absently. “You’re wildly attracted to me and think that calling me by my last name is going to make a difference. But it’s not. It’s something you’re just going to have to live with at this point.”

I stared at him blankly. Had I really been that transparent, or had these types of declarations just always worked for him in the past? “Is this supposed to be your charm?”

Again came that wicked smile that caused my knees to melt. His eyes locked over mine, stealing into my soul as if reading me from the inside out. “I wouldn’t say charm, so much as—”

“It needs work.” It totally didn’t need any work. My God, all the man needed to do was flash his wolfish grin in my direction, and I was one tenuous restraint away from begging him to take me on the desk between us.

The subtle aching emerged in the pit of my stomach. One that wove its way down between my thighs, teasing me with whispered promises of pleasure that only this man could deliver. A haunting reminder of dreams spent in an office almost identical to this one. Ones that were definitely not appropriate for a meeting with a client but were embedded in my mind all the same.

I needed to get out of here. To get out of this room before I did something I might regret. Not only would Vanessa fire me on the basis of fooling around with a client, she would murder me if she found out that client was her brother.

“Well, Mr. Carson,” I said, trying to take back control of the conversation. “If you are ready to meet with the client, I will set up the date for tomorrow.”

He sighed, all humor leaving his face. Had he expected me to give in? To pretend that we hadn’t been thrown into this ridiculous situation? I still had a job to do. No matter how painful. Three days into my ninety-day employment was way too early to have second thoughts.

“Fine,” he said, tossing up one hand in surrender. “Set it up. What’s the harm, right?”

