Page 30 of A Bossy Night

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But it had to. A few seconds later, he pulled out and helped me gently make my way down to the floor again. He zipped his pants up and suddenly I feltveryexposed. I made a face as I reached for my underwear, and David must’ve picked up on what I was feeling because he averted his gaze as he handed me my bra and shirt. “I’ll just, uh, let you get dressed,” he said, turning around to face the wall.

I hurriedly put my clothes back on, missing a button on my blouse as I went but not wanting to take the time to fix it just then. As David looked away, his phone rang and he answered it.

“Hello?” His voice came through as just a whisper, so then he cleared his throat and tried again. “Hello? Yes. Hi. Oh, that’s very good news, thank you. Oh, the security cameras?”

I felt my whole body freeze.

Shit! There are security cameras?

The feeling I had before, of being excited by the idea of someone watching us, quickly wore off. It was too real now and not at all sexy. Not only did I not feel comfortable making a sex tape, which was basically what David and I just did, but I also didn’t know how this might affect my job. He was the CEO, he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, but I didn’t have that sort of protection from professional backlash.

“Oh, yeah, no. I completely understand,” David said into the phone. “Don’t worry about it. We have been in this room the whole time, so I know for a fact that nobody broke in or did anything nefarious.” He chuckled light-heartedly. “If the footage got erased when you rebooted the whole security system, that’s all good.”

I let out a heavy sigh of relief as David got off the phone.

“You have a good weekend as well, bye now.” He hung up and then spoke to me without turning around. “That was the maintenance man. He said he was able to look at the problem remotely and saw that it was just a reboot thing. He said he went home to his computer, which was faster than coming all the way here, and just reset the thing from there. It should be working now. And in case you didn’t understand the part about the security footage through context, that all got erased when he rebooted everything so we’re good. But man, that was a close one.”

“Too close,” I said. “And what about the elevator? Why didn’t the button work?”

“He didn’t say anything about that. Guess I’ll have to put a sign up for everyone to use the stairs until we get it sorted out. But you—”

“You can look at me now, by the way,” I said. “I’m fully dressed.”

He nodded and turned back around. “Very well. I was going to say, you can go home. I know you said you had plans tonight, and I don’t want to keep you any longer.”

I raised a brow.Could’ve fooled me.

“Are you sure you’ve got everything under control here?”

“Sure do,” he said. Whereas before, he sounded as if he wasn’t going to mention anything regarding what had just transpired between us, so I decided to do the same. The security cameras didn’t see anything, therefore, it was like it never even happened. “I’ll, uh, see you on Monday.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I will see you on Monday. I’ll be dealing with Mark and his lawyers in the morning, but I should be in the office sometime around lunch.”Why are you telling him all of this? He doesn’t care about your schedule!

“Great,” he said. “I hope everything with Mark goes well.”

“Me too.”

We locked eyes again, just for a second, and I was reminded of what I felt in the moments just before we finished having sex. I remembered a sentiment almost forming on my lips—something having to do with a word that started with an ‘L’…

I brought my head down and looked at my feet. “Have a nice weekend,” I said, rushing past him. I tried my keycard and thank God it worked, and then I got out of that room as fast as I could. I headed right for my car and tore out of the parking garage like I was in aFast and Furiousmovie.

Then, on the drive home, I called the one friend I knew would help me snap out of it.


But of course, she didn’t answer. It was three hours later in New York, and it was a Friday night which meant Michelle was definitely out having a good time. I left her a message, however, telling her I needed her ‘expertise’ in all things related to casual flings and hoped she would call me back sometime before Monday.

I needed her sage wisdom before I went back to work and had to act like a normal person.

Which was to say, had to act like someone who didn’t have sex with her boss on company property.



Idrove home in a sort of daze.

Thank God for muscle memory, taking me through the motions and the busy San Francisco streets, all the way back to my house just outside of downtown proper.
