Page 37 of A Bossy Night

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She was dripping wet even before I began licking her. She moaned when I slid my tongue inside her, and I grew even more aroused at being able to give her such pleasure. Just like I had done on her nipples, I ran my tongue in a circular motion around her clitoris as her breath got shorter and shorter. I moved my fingers up and slid two inside of her and she was nearly pushed over the edge of a climax. I worked her both inside and out for a while, but just before she was about to come, she gently touched the side of my face.

“I want you inside me,” she said. “Right now.” I brought my face up to hers and she used her hand to guide me into her. We both sighed with relief at the sensation of me entering, and then I moved slowly as she continued to moan.

Every time I’d had sex with this woman, it was different. The first time, we had been drunk, practically strangers. That night had been fun,really fun, but then she left and I was forced to pretend like it meant nothing more to me. Then, last week in the building, I had been overwhelmed with my passion for her, but that time it was all so unexpected and rushed, that I hardly got the time to feel all the sensations of her body interlocked with mine.

During this third encounter—we were sober, and we weren’t in a hurry. Neither of us had anywhere else to be, and we weren’t at risk of someone catching us.

It was just Lily and me.

And I loved it.

Looking down at her, with her mouth parted and her eyes closed as she relished in the feeling of me inside of her, I realized that there was nothing I wanted more than to give this woman all the pleasure in the world. Moreover, I didn’t want anyone else to give her this sort of pleasure. I wanted her all to myself.

I continued to slide in and out of her, then her eyes opened and she saw me staring down at her. She smiled, then pushed herself up onto her elbows and kissed me. When she pulled away, she whispered in my ear, “Flip over”.

I didn’t need to be told twice.

In one fluid motion, I was on my back and she was on top of me. She was riding me,hard, which caused her curly hair to move all over the place and her breasts to bounce up and down on her chest. I reached up and filled my hands with her, pinching her nipples ever so slightly between two of my fingers. She threw her head back and gasped, slamming her bottom half down against my hips with reckless abandon. I was about to come, and she must’ve known that because she slowed down, reached her hand behind her back, and tickled my balls, before bending over so that our chests were touching, moving in unison with the rhythm of our breath, and we were kissing once more.

She pressed her tongue into my mouth and slid her hips up and down me once, twice, and on the third thrust, I felt her body shudder as she and I climaxed at the same time, our mouths still locked. When she pulled away, we both sighed, and then she got off my lap and came to rest at my side. We panted, and I wiped some sweat from my brow and then closed my eyes and took a moment to appreciate how good her warm, dewy body felt pressed up against the side of mine. One of her legs was still draped over me and her nose was nuzzling into my neck.

I knew at that moment that I had, never in my life, felt so content.



For a while, David and I lay next to one another not saying anything.

I was so relieved to know that the two of us had talked and worked everything out. But what was really making me feel good was the amazing sex we’d just had. It was the best yet, and that meant it would probably only improve from there. I guess I had been a little worried about our first time sleeping together in a more conventional situation. That evening, we were in a bed, in my apartment, and there was nothing like the energy of a one-night-stand or the threat of someone catching us to add to the excitement. And yet, it was still great. Better than great, it was by far the best sex of my life.

So good, in fact, that I worked up an appetite, so after laying around for a little bit I got up and put on a robe. “I think I’m going to order some food, any requests?”

“Hmmm,” he said, frowning. “Let me think… Pizza?”

“Soundsperfect.” I went into the kitchenette and grabbed a take-out menu from the pizza place just down the street and brought it over to him in bed along with two beers. “What do you want?”

We spent a little while arguing over what toppings to get and eventually agreed to do half veggie, half pepperoni. I called and put the order in, then I sat back against my headboard and sipped my beer. “So,” I said. “You’re missing family dinner. Is that going to be a problem?”

David shrugged and pushed himself up so he was sitting next to me. “Yes and no. Usually, it would be no big deal. We don’t have family dinners often, and the only timeeveryoneis really expected to show up is on Christmas and my mom’s birthday. The rest of the dinners my dad invites us to throughout the year are usually just for whoever wants to drop by. That being said, my dad and I haven’t been getting along great lately, and I think he is probably going to be upset that I bailed.”

“Maybe you should go then.”

He shook his head. “I really don’t want to. I know I probably sound a little bit like a petulant child, but my dad just has a way of putting me in the worst mood. It’s not just that he makes me mad at the moment, he pisses me off in a way that stays with me fordays. And I’m too happy right now to let him take that away from me.”

I smiled, knowing I was at least part of the reason he was feeling so good, if not the whole reason. “And what about your brothers, do they get along with your dad?”

“Again, there’s not a straightforward answer to that question. We all have… difficult relationships with the man. But I think I hold the most resentment towards him.”

“And why is that?”

He looked down at the beer bottle in his hands. “I think it’s because I knew him before he became the unforgiving, workaholic asshole that he is today. He wasn’t always so money-driven. He started the business as a way to take care of his family, and back then in the early days, he was there for me and my mom. Before the business took off, I got the sense that he really liked being a father. He seemed to take pride in showing up for me when I needed him. Then, as I got older, I watched him become less and less interested in me, my brothers, and my mom. All he cared about was work and making more money, and the rest of us just became a burden to him.”

“That must’ve been really hard,” I said. “I’m sorry, David.”

He looked up at me and smiled sadly. “Thanks for saying that. I—I don’t normally talk about this stuff, especially with…” He laughed, trying to come up with a word for what I was to him. “Coworkers.”

This made me smile, then his phone buzzed and he checked it, laughing softly to himself. “It’s Adam,” he said. “He’s wondering where the hell I am. I guess everyone showed up except me, which is a little surprising. I didn’t think Ezra would be there.”
