Page 16 of Chrome Poppies

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“I’ve got one more thing you will find extremely interesting. One of our guys, Deputy Bernard Collins slipped a tracking device on Levi Shield’s bike. Let me send you the link to the app, so you can follow his every move.” My phone pinged immediately when Velma said that.

“We need to find Collins so he could work with us.”

“Check with the chief, I am not sure if Collins is on another assignment since he successfully did what was requested of him. But you need to go if you plan to make it to Sonoma before dark.”

Velma practically pushed me out of the office, but it made me wonder whether the chief got more people to work for me or if he had no faith I’d be able to handle Shields on my own. I couldn’t mention to the chief or anyone else about seeing Jensen alive, they’d never believe me, and no one listened to Sherman, since he talked out of his ass most of the time.

The only thing that mattered now was ensuring Emilie Dillon was unharmed and transported to the Weatherly’s estate without a hitch. We were talking about the Chrome Poppies, who I knew, would add difficulty, blood, and mayhem to what’s supposed to be a simple mission.



When my hand-picked riders and I pulled up to the hotel, we slowly paced the parking lot. However, I saw no other motorcycles. Either Bernie and Steven lied their asses off or Jensen Grimes knew I was onto him and left hours before. I was there for his head, but that would not happen.

I parked my bike and approached my Veep, Bear. “Hey, Bear, I’m going to get some info about Grimes. Make sure the guys stay put. After I get confirmation on what those two dead idiots told me last night, we are hitting the pavement.” I relied on this fucking cane too much, but what choice did I have after being shot in the leg?Oh, look at that old, gimpy motorcycle dude? Not so intimidating, am I? This was an embarrassing and valid reason to find Grimes and make sure he’s dead as a mother fucking doornail.

The door slid open, and I waited until an elderly couple looking at me with disgusted expressions walked past. When I noticed the golf clubs, I feigned interest and commented, “Ah, you going to Stallion Springs to golf?”

Neither answered before rushing away from me. I lifted my arm and smelled why. I direly needed a shower. What difference does it make? I’m going to be on a motorcycle for the next few hours and it would defeat the purpose since the summer sun turns leather and denim into a built-in sauna.

The second I set foot into the lobby, I felt like I was being gawked at like some circus freak. I wasn’t a bad-looking guy. I was tall-ish, not quite six feet, but who counts the half inch? Also, I worked out every day, so I was pretty fit. And, I admit, my hair was greyer than it was even five years ago but always kept it cut into a high and tight. You can take the man out of the Marines but you can’t take the Marines out of the man.

After I hobbled to the desk, I slammed the pain in the ass cane on the counter and received a well-deserved glare from the desk clerk. I grinned and looked at his name tag, “Jorge—my man,” I reached out my hand to give him a high five and he looked at me as though I had three heads. “A dude, my brother to be precise, was in here last night with a kid. Wouldn’t you know it? I completely forgot his room number.” I chuckled, “Old age doesn’t do wonders for a man’s memory. You know what I’m saying?”

Jorge forced a grin and answered condescendingly, “I’m sorry sir, I can’t give you any of our patrons’ information.”

“Oh, you need my license? Hold on.” I held a finger up and reached into my back pocket for my wallet.

“Sir. Even with the license, we still cannot help you. Have a good day sir.”

“Can you, at least, tell me if a guy with a kid checked out.” I was desperate to find this traitor and run over his head a dozen times with my front tire, but this Jorge idiot wasn’t helping my cause. Well, maybe money talked. I pulled a hundred-dollar bill and slapped it on the counter.

“We can’t take bribes either.” He answered and lifted the phone to his ear. “Hey, yeah, Bobby, we got a problem at the front desk.”

“You called security on me, you little piece of shit?” I pulled Jorge by the collar and was so close, I’m sure he appreciated a dose of my morning breath. “You’re lucky I’m not carrying, or your brains would be splattered all over this nice lobby.” I let go of his collar and pushed him back. Grabbing my cane, I couldn’t care less about the pain and practically ran out of the lobby.

Right around the corner, the one they called Bobby waited for me. He looked to be about twelve years old and skinny as a rail. I laughed when I saw the taser gun aimed at me. “Did you bribe then threaten one of our employees?”

“I sure as fuck did,” I answered as I swung my cane around and hit him hard on the side of his skinny ass leg. I laughed when I heard the pleasant sound of cracking bones. We now had to rush out of there or the next thing I could look forward to was the worthless Kern County Sheriff’s department pursuing us. I reached my quota for dead bodies, but it never hurt to get some extra credit.

“What happened there, boss man?” Bear asked, glancing at me then the injured bean pole. He took my cane and wrapped his arm around my waist, to get me to my bike quicker than my hobbling would.

“Nothing out of the ordinary, Bear. You know me, I make enemies everywhere I go.” I chuckled. I wasn’t proud of being a complete douchebag, but I had no idea how to be a nice guy anymore.



It was a perfect day for a ride. The skies were a clear cerulean and not one cloud overhead, though it was warm, it was soothing to me. I wondered if Emilie was as impressed with the beauty only touched by God. When I darted my head over to the sidecar, I concluded she wasn’t impressed. Her head rested on the back of her seat, and she was fast asleep. I chuckled and sang along with the Bush song that cranked through our helmets’ built-in headphones.

I continued up Interstate 99, knowing full well Levi was going to take the I-5 to Napa Valley. He wasn't all that bright and was as predictable as they come. There were so many routes that would lead me to my destination, but it was in my best interest to lead this man on a goose chase. Then a thought crossed my mind that taking a different route and my sweet time might put the Weatherly family in danger. I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. There were always consequences to our actions, and this was a mission full of ramifications no matter what decisions I made. Never had I been more thankful for the two angels guiding us—I kissed my fingers and held them to the sky, praising Ezekiel and Franklin.

“Jessen?” Emilie’s tiny voice interrupted the song.

“I’m here, Emi Girl!” She giggled at the name I gave her. “It’s almost lunchtime, are you hungry?”

“Starving. I want pizza and chai tea.”
