Page 23 of An Alpha's Claim

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“Quinn asked me to come and give my assistance, and it appears…y’all need it.” She said, looking around. “Oh, and that Warlock over there has been warding this place in a pattern to form a Hellhole.” She said, looking uneasy.

“Our True Alpha sent you but hasn’t called to let us know about it?”

“He is the Alpha. I don’t think he needs a reason to do anything. Since he and his family saved me, my son, and our Circle, I will do whatever I can to help you,” she sighed. She reached up to run her finger over a necklace. The charm seemed to be a triangle with a circle inside it, and inside the circle were three ovals. Each oval ended at the tip of each point of the triangle. If I remembered the teachings from my Mother correctly, that symbol meant fire and protection. I just didn’t know why they were fused in such a way.

“We will see,” I said as I tore my eyes away from her necklace. “What Circle do you claim that you are from, and what do we call you?” I asked, but something was telling me I was missing something. They should be obvious. She smirked as she dropped her hand, placing it on her hip.

“I am part of the Grey Circle, and you may call me Journee, and this little man is Zaccai,” She said. Journee looked down at the little boy who glared at me. I did not know why he glared at me when any other kid wouldn’t leave me the hell alone, but…wait. My eyes shot back to her, realizing she said the name, Grey. Journee is a part of the Circle that belongs to the wife of our True Alpha. I guess she caught the realization in my eyes because she smiled as if saying, “now we shall see.”

Iwasn’t actually sure when the pain faded, but I knew things had changed on a cellular level. I had heightened senses as a Hunter, but this had them turned up to one hundred percent. I could hear, taste, smell, and feel everything around me. I knew we were no longer close to the house, and no other wolves were near me except…except one. This wolf I knew and one I needed to see and to have closer to me, but my eyes just felt so heavy. I wanted to open them, so I knew that Dax was safe. That one word had my eyes opening because I had to know if everyone was safe. The rogue wolf had us, found us slipping, and could have killed…

“Devana?” The voice in my head sounded so deep and melodic. The very sound calmed me enough that I looked around. I knew it was morning already. I could see every damn thing clear as fucking day. I turned my head, and that felt so wrong because it was too big and heavy. When I stared into the violet eyes of the largest wolf I had ever known, those thoughts fled my mind. I reached out, wanting to feel his fur and make sure he was really there and that I wasn’t dreaming. When I did, I knew something was way the hell off. I saw another wolf reaching toward Dax each time I tried moving my arms. “Mate!” I went to open my mouth to tell him not to shout in my mind and ask him how the hell he was doing it. Instead of my words, a long whine came out, followed by a slight growl. What in the entire fuck happened?


“There she is, I didn’t think you would have figured out the mental speech so quickly, but I should have known. To damn stubborn not to have done it.”

“Wait…hold..” I had trouble stringing together a sentence when memory slammed its way back into my head. Scene after scene played as I recalled in vivid detail everything that had gone down, including the pain of it all. I cried out or howled at the pain and fury that I almost died because I thought we had time. This demon wasn’t only here for the wolves now, it added to the plan, and it wants my soul. I could feel it deep inside and see it in the eyes of the rogue wolf who would have claimed my eyes for the demon if…if Dax hadn’t shown up in time.

“Devana!” Dax darted forward but shifted in mid-movement. He wrapped his massive arms around my neck. I knew that werewolves were larger than ordinary wolves, but him doing this without effort was wild to me. I instantly felt better as I let myself calm, feeling Dax’s presence helped. “Now that you are aware of what is happening, you should be able to shift back sexy. We need to get back to the Pack. I need to figure out who we lost and find out where we can find this bastard and take his ass out,” Dax grunted. He was speaking out loud this time, and just by doing that, it helped make everything normal. My breathing slowed as the memory of running off into the woods last night hit me. Dax chased me, never letting me get too far away but also letting my wolf come to terms with itself. A flash of memory had me looking into the water and seeing my reflection from the light of the moon and seeing white fur with glowing mint green eyes with a hint of light brown. They seemed to swirl and change color, just like looking at my face as a human in the mirror. I shook and felt the popping of bones and rippling of skin as I shifted back into my human form for the first time.

“I…I didn’t think…I didn’t think one night of sex would change my world like this.” My voice sounded scratchy and rough to my ears.

“Well, I mean anything less than turning you out fully would have my Alpha status in question.” The rumble of his voice sounded richer, smoother than usual. I had no clue why I was joking around because I knew it wasn’t time for it, but I never saw this shit coming.

I turned my head to look up at him with a smile and saw that he wasn’t smiling but looking at me so intently I pulled back slightly.

“What?” I asked. Before he could answer, I felt it. I knew exactly why he was staring at me this way and that Daxton Rayne was terrified for the first time in his long-lived life. If I could feel his emotions like this already, then he should feel mine as well. The Bond was intense, but I couldn’t understand why he still looked so afraid. That’s when I got it. He felt it, but he also needed me to say it. To confirm and take away his fears and doubts that he may have fucked everything up, he wanted to build with me. His fear was clouding what he should already know. What he already knew from the moment we locked eyes was that I was his Mate, and it was nothing either one of us could do about it.

* * *

“I knowyou did what you had to do. I’m not sorry that you marked me, Dax. What I am sorry about is what we both will have to endure once this is all over,” I said. Dax pulled me closer and stood with me in his arms.

“You honestly believe I care what anyone has to say? All I needed to hear was that you weren’t sorry that I changed your life completely.” I stared at him because I knew he could care less about what others may think, but we will be put out front after all of this. Hell, if we made it through this situation. I don’t regret what happened, but I knew confronting House Okar would be hell.

“I figured you wouldn’t care. I know there is a lot more that I need to know and so much that I need to be taught, but…”

“We don’t have the time. Lucky that you’re a Hunter and will catch on quickly.” I noticed we were moving, but it felt like we were standing still. I didn’t feel the breeze or the morning chill as I usually would. Then I noticed I was naked, but this fool had clothes on.

“Wait! Why don’t I have clothes on, and you do?” I frowned. I still felt drained and starving at the same time. Dax chuckled and smirked down at me. I just noticed that his jet-black goatee had a few white hairs. They weren’t gray but pure white like his wolf’s fur.

“As I said, you will have to learn your new nature quickly. Although we still haven’t talked about the book, you have about my family, but we can discuss that later. Did it happen to mention that shifting is a type of magic on its own? You, Hunter, will have to learn to control it and use it to your advantage.” He looked down as we came to the edge of the Pack property. “Once I kill the rogue, I will teach you slowly everything you need to learn about your human body and your wolf form.” I swallowed at the promise in his eyes which had me wondering what would be different. His words had me almost forgetting the feud between our species and making me remember the words of the Wolf Deity.

“You have been chosen to walk in both worlds as Hunter and Shifter. Your fellow Hunters may choose to turn their backs on you, but you will bear that cost.”

I didn’t know if I could bear that cost if that meant my family and House all turned away from me. I didn’t know ifKannuckhad been right or if I should have died last night as a sacrifice?

* * *


There is no time at the moment for Devana to learn her new shifter gifts. Strength, speed, hearing and smell were the usual things each shifter possessed. I knew she possessed gifts as a Hunter, but they may advance further now that she has been changed. I looked down as I made my way through my property because she fell silent. Devana was asleep with a frown line on her forehead that I wanted to erase. I didn’t want to wake her because I knew she needed to sleep as much as possible. This moment would be all that I could give her to rest. Usually, when a person is changed, we give them as much time as possible to get used to their wolf. I, as Alpha, would take the time to show them everything they needed to know about who and what they were now. I couldn’t even give my Mate that courtesy because of this fucking rogue.

“Alpha. William is now awake. Are we allowed to leave medical?”Jayla asked. I sensed her fear laced in her words. I didn’t want my Pack afraid, but it seemed as if I needed to clean house because someone helped to let them the fuck inside. William was caught, but where there is one, there is more. It was time to find the traitors who dare put my Pack in danger and take them all out.

“No. I will be there to speak with both of you. The enforcers will ensure your safety until Jarod gets to you.”I cut off whatever reply she was ready to make. I didn’t want to hear excuses or denials. I didn’t want to reinstate my Zeta, but I had no choice. I reached out to a mind that turned my way instantly. There was something to say about having siblings that are Alpha’s themselves. It makes for an unstoppable Pack army.

