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I wasn’t sure I could make a difference. In fact, I was positive all I would do was take up space and get in the way. But I’d do my best. That’s what mattered the most, right? Doing my best and earning that title of soulmate that he claimed belonged to me. A title I’d never thought I’d hold in anyone’s heart.

So much didn’t make sense, but I’d made everything a mess. It was on me to clean it up and put things right again. Even if we didn’t end up together, I didn’t want our child not knowing who his father was.

If Lucian died because of my selfishness, that was a weight I wouldn’t be able to carry. How would I ever explain that to our son or daughter?

I hesitated and looked over at the envelope that contained the sex of the baby in it. Did I bring it along? Did I ruin the surprise? What if Lucian didn’t make it? He could at least know what his future child was before he moved on. I hated the thought, but if life had taught me anything, it was to always prepare for the worst.

I packed the envelope into the bag, tucking it deep under my clothes for safekeeping, just in case.

We’re not going to need to open it, though. Not unless you tell me you want to know.

A silent prayer, and I hoped whatever greater power existed heard it.

With my bag packed and the cloak I’d borrowed from the other realm wrapped around me, I went back to the kitchen to find Dymitri. He’d replenished with more water and whatever he could find in my refrigerator. Together, we cleaned up the small mess, and I locked up the house. Would I ever walk back through its doors? It might be a long time.

I hoped so, and I hoped Lucian would be with me when I did. This place wouldn’t feel like home without him.

“Let’s go,” I said.

I climbed onto Dymitri’s back, closed my eyes, held on tight, and flew with him to the other realm.

Dymitri flew harder and faster than Damon had. Talk about a rush! As scary as it was, I also enjoyed the ride. I wondered what it would be like to fly on Lucian’s back...

We landed near the snow-covered castle and Sarah was waiting for us in the foyer. She hugged me tightly.

“I’m so glad you came back,” she whispered. “You’re the only one who can help him.”

I pulled back and nodded. “Take me to him.”

Together we hurried up the stairs to his room. There, lying on the bed we’d once made love in, was Lucian. His eyes were squeezed shut, like he was looking away from something terrifying. Sweat beaded his face yet his entire body shivered under the heavy blankets wrapped over his body.

My heart thudded in my chest at the sight. I rushed over to him and placed a hand on his forehead. “He feels like fire.”

And he did. He was boiling hot to the touch.

“It’s bad,” Sarah whispered. “I’m not sure what the actual temperature is, but I’m worried.”

I pulled out my heat sensing thermometer that I’d brought with me and ran it over his forehead, then gasped at the number. “107.4.”

Any human would be almost dead with a temp like that.

“Do you think it’s too late for him?” Sarah asked.

“I’m not sure what’s normal for his kind,” I said. “He’s still here, and he’s still fighting. That’s a sign. We’re not giving up.” I gazed down at Lucian. “You hear that? We’re not giving up!”

His body shivered. “Katerina... the forest... we...”

“Tell me all about it later,” I said. “I can’t wait to hear it when you’re better.”

“Father...” he grumbled.

I placed a hand on his chest, wanting to comfort him. His body seemed to ease at my touch. A step in the right direction. “When you’re better. Rest now. You’re not going to get well unless you do.”

His eyes remained closed, but they weren’t so tightly pressed together. The crinkles and creases in his face disappeared and his breathing became more even. Deep and slow.

Dymitri was right, my presence was making a difference.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I told him. “Promise. Hold on so you can meet...”
