Page 14 of Bearly Sassy

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“You better stay here with him. If he wakes up, I’m sure he’ll be confused. I can go make him some food at least. I don’t know what else to do.”

“Hey you’re doing great. I don’t even know what else to say but I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize Damon, it’s obvious you weren’t expecting to see him here. Just stay with him. I’ll make us all some food. You do think it’s safe out there now, right?”

“Yeah, but maybe when you go over there, find the gun. I dropped it somewhere when I shifted. Keep it with you but I’m pretty sure we’re out of danger.”

He waited for her to leave the office, then grabbed the chair from her desk and sat down beside his brother. As he looked at him, he couldn’t help but wonder when he’d grown up, and what exactly he was doing there.

When Zeke started to stir, Damon slid his chair backward a little, to be out of arms reach just in case. With eyes open, Zeke looked around the room before narrowing his eyes on his brother and visibly relaxed.


“Hey little brother, what are you doing here?”


Mack and Damon lay on the ground in a clearing in the middle of the woods where she’d taken him to let off a little steam. There wasn’t a better sensation than shifting together, being able to shift in front of each other and have no judgment. It was the best feeling in the world.

Over the last couple weeks, the two had grown so much closer and after the terror that turned out to be Damon’s brother, they’d learned they could work together and rely on each other in any given situation.

The bar was busier than ever and Mack had even put Zeke to work stocking beer and learning to serve at the bar. Having a guy at the bar was also a bit more protection for the girls that served. At night he slept in the office on the twin bed and turned into their secondary security system.

“So, let me just say that you are one sexy grizzly.”

“Sexy as a grizzly, or sexy after I shift back because I’m naked?”

“Well that is a pretty amazing site.” He grinned as he ran a finger down her side and back over her rib cage. “But, seeing you run free as a beautiful brown bear is a site I never want to tire of.”

“Guess you should probably stick around then huh?”

“You want me to stick around, as in permanent?”

“Only if you want to but yes, thatiswhat I want.”

“One thing though, I’m not sure that us in the apartment and my brother in the office is the best arrangement. I might try talking to Zeke about getting his own place.”

Mack rolled over and lay an arm across his stomach.

“Before you do that, I had a thought.”

She kissed his skin where her head rested. Then she kissed another spot and another.

“Are you going to share that thought with me because if you keep doing what you’re doing, I’m going to roll you all over this field.”

“Hmm…decisions, decisions. I think I like both ideas but I’ll go first then you can roll me wherever you want. So, I was thinking of maybe looking for a different place to live.”

“You were?” Damon’s features changed.

“I was but before you freak out completely, I was thinking for the both of us. And then maybe we could let your brother live in the apartment.”

“That’s a great idea. You want me to live with you then?”

“Well yeah, did you think I was going to leave you in the apartment with Zeke?”

“I didn’t want to assume.”

“It’s funny how much Zeke is like you. I never had siblings but I can tell that you mean a lot to each other. I also really think he’s doing a fantastic job at the bar and it feels nice to be able to enjoy time with you knowing things are taken care of.”

“I think we should do it.”

“Me too. Now how about you get to rolling me all around this field?”

“Did anybody ever tell you that for a bear, you’re really sassy.”

The End
