Page 2 of Temptation

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“I’ve never eaten there,” I shrugged. “Let’s give it a try.” I pulled into the parking lot and we shuffled inside.

The moment I crossed the threshold into the building, the air changed. An electric current skittered over my skin and my heart pounded. I took a deep breath, inhaling the most magnificent aroma I’d ever encountered. Even stronger than the coffee scent lingering in the space was the smell of sweet spice…the scent of my mate.

My eyes darted around the shop, bouncing from man to man, desperate to find my soul’s perfect match. And then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world; a sweet voice calling out, “I’ll be right with you.”

My gaze laser focused on the man who said the words and my knees nearly buckled. He was stunning; tall and medium build with dark blond hair that fell around his shoulders in springy curls. He turned around and I found more of the same colored hair lining his cheeks and jawline in a thick, soft beard. I was entranced by his ocean blue eyes.

“Are you okay?” Talon asked from beside me, and I nodded slowly.

“I’m better than I’ve ever been in my life.”

“Damn, youarehungry, aren’t you?”

He didn’t know the half of it. “Not just for food,” I replied, and he scrunched up his face in confusion. “My mate is here, Tal. He’s here waiting for me.”

“I’m so happy for you, but what are you waiting for? Go grab him!”

I nodded and took a step forward before Brandon stopped me with a hand to my chest. “Don’t actually grab him.” I was thankful that he was there to talk some sense into me before I scared my poor mate to death. “Just go up and say hello.”

“Say hello,” I repeated, like it was the best advice I’d ever received; like I’d never met a new person before. My brain was in a fog and only focused on getting my mate. I took a deep breath and stepped forward again.

Chapter Two


"I'll be right with you," I called over my shoulder at the sound of the bell jingling over the cafe door. I had my hands full, juggling two cups of espresso and a jelly donut while the crowd steadily grew in the dining room.

The past couple of weeks had been busy; school had started back up recently, so a lot of our seasonal workers had left us. That left most of the responsibility up to myself and Josie, the owner of the shop.

Even though she was a hard worker, Josie was pushing seventy, so there was only much she could do. Even more responsibility fell onto my shoulders and I did my best to keep things running smoothly.

I stayed busy and ended most of my shifts wiped out and with sore feet, but I was thankful for the work. And I was beyond thankful for Josie; she not only gave me the job which helped me to take care of my son, Brady, but she allowed me and my son to live in the apartment above the cafe for very little rent.

I walked around the end of the counter into the dining room and nearly collided with a tall, broad body in the way. Thankfully, I managed to stop my feet in time, and didn’t spill any hot liquid onto my fingers.

At five feet ten inches, I wasn’t exactly short, but I still looked this man square in the chin. When I gazed upwards, I found his golden eyes firmly fixated upon me. His chiseled jaw rippled when he swallowed, and his nostrils flared as he breathed deeply.

“I said I’ll be right with you,” I repeated, trying to keep my voice calm. I knew this guy’s type; just because he was gorgeous, he thought he deserved special treatment.

I wasn't denying the gorgeous part; aside from his intense eyes and square, scruffy jaw, his body was obviously muscular beneath his tight t-shirt. It was the entitlement that was unattractive; the way he crowded my space, thinking that he was more important than all of my other customers.

His eyes drifted down to the items in my hand. "Let me help you with that," he insisted as he reached for the mugs.

I twisted away before he could grab them. "I'm fine." I didn't want to owe him any favors. Besides, I couldn't be sure that he wouldn't take them for himself. I didn't even know if his hands were clean. "Excuse me."

The man stared at me for several long moments, making me squirm; partly from discomfort, but partly from the excitement of having his attention. I couldn't help it; the manwasgorgeous.

He finally stepped aside, allowing me to pass. I delivered the breakfast to grateful customers and when I turned from the table, I face-planted right into someone's chest; a firm chest which I momentarily noticed smelled fantastic…until I couldn't smell anything at all.

I touched my nose and pulled back bloody fingers. "What the hell?" I grumped, scowling up at the man. "First you tried to cut in line and then you smashed up my nose!"

"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed, and his expression morphed from intensity to empathy, and he became even more handsome. "And I wasn't trying to cut in line; I was just trying to get close to you."

"You got close, alright," I grumbled, wiping my nose again before fully realizing what he'd said. Then I felt blood rush to my cheeks, and I quickly looked away from him. "I need to grab a napkin."

I rushed over to the countertop with the man on my heels. We both grappled at the dispenser, gathering paper cloths. He got a fistful first, and pressed the crumpled wipes to my face.

"Ah, dammit!" I cried out when my vision went blurry.
