Page 55 of Queen of Ashes

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The light of Alrick’s torch flickered in the cool evening breeze as he led me by the hand down a small path within the castle’s gigantic garden system. Frida did her best to keep up with our brisk pace but was lagging a little behind. I personally had never been on this particular path before, or at least couldn’t remember, but that wasn’t surprising, considering how large the entire complex of the castle was. Some of it had been left untouched and in its natural form of woodlands for my father to go on quick hunts in between important meetings. Looking at the untamed trees and bushes growing along both sides of the path, this must be one of them.

At first, we were still encountering guards, who bowed and made way the moment they saw Wimfred and Frida. I was wearing a cape with a hood pulled deep into my face, so they must not have realized who I was.

“We are almost there,” Alrick said. “We’ve set up a small camp at the edge of the castle grounds that borders the surrounding farmlands, right behind the wall. Some of the men thought it would be safer there.”

Safer...from me?

We left the path and arrived at a small opening after a short stretch of woods. At first, it looked like an empty camp, with a large fire crackling in the middle of a round grassy patch and several horses tied to trees just beyond it. But then, one by one, men stepped out from the rows of trees and into the soft orange light of the fire. Some I recognized, such as Lord Otter, who I had called a pig, and Lord Buschnick, who had endured my remark about his long face. As the men started to form a half-moon across from me, I also noticed Lord Grundig with his young son. Why he would keep the young boy with him here was beyond me.

I pulled the hood back to reveal myself.

“My Queen,” Lord Grundig said, and they all bowed.

“Is that all you brought, an old woman and your right hand?” Lord Otter ridiculed, as he threw Frida a curt nod. Alrick took a step toward him, but I grabbed his arm.

“I didn’t see the need to bring my army.” I narrowed my eyes at him. I was sick and tired of men degrading me. “But they’re not far. If you prefer, Lord Otter, I shall return with all my men.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Lord Grundig swiftly interfered, his tone sweet and a little desperate. “Your Highness’s willingness to aid us against our ruthless king is most generous.”

I looked at him, then at his young son, who instantly dropped his gaze onto the leaf-littered forest ground.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. “I know some of you mistrust me after what happened at the Dome, but let me tell you that I had no part in it. My wish to settle the war in the North is sincere, and we share a common enemy after all.”

An owl hooted in the far distance, the sound echoing through the trees.

“King Algar has tried to kill me, and most likely succeeded with my father.”

“So it is true, then? The rumors?” a lord I had not seen before asked. He had a thick beard and long black hair that fell over his shoulders.

I nodded. “Whoever came after me on my journey north carried the symbol of the black spider.” The men muttered between themselves. “And my father was killed with ever-sleep.”

“King Algar’s witch carries the rare poison!” Lord Otter announced.

“But that means war between the South and King Algar!” Lord Grundig concluded, the whites of his wide eyes bright in the darkness.

“With the Rhine army by our side, we could vanquish King Algar and his army in days!” Lord Buschnick said.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple,” Alrick said, quelling the growing excitement. “King Louis the Great will marry his daughter to Yutrik.”

“He won't pursue this foolish marriage any longer once he sees the Rhine army marching north,” Lord Otter argued.

Wimfred sighed and came to stand beside me. “I’m afraid the marriage between Yutrik and Gabrielle of the West will stand. The web of intrigues has spread far beyond King Algar’s grasp at this point. If it was only King Algar and his newly found ally, His Grace Gunther Brunswick, then the matter wouldn’t be quite as dire as it is. But there is a new enemy emerging. One more powerful than all of them combined.”

The men grew silent, waiting for Wimfred to continue. When he didn’t, Lord Otter chimed in. “Who is it? The priest? Gunther?”

I shook my head. “I have already brought plans into motion to rid my kingdom of Gunther.”

“Then simply march north, My Queen, and kill King Algar,” Lord Otter suggested, annoyance in his voice.

“It’s not so simple,” Alrick said. “People in the South believe we killed their beloved king. The Rhine Queen can’t just side with us openly before we’re freed from those lies.”

“If the queen’s hands are tied, why did I come all this way?” Lord Otter said.

“Because.” All heads turned toward the sound of a new voice as Rune stepped in the clearing. “With a cunning you won’t ever possess, Otter, the Rhine Queen plans to turn me against my father.”

The men stepped away from Rune, a few even reaching for their swords. Alrick instinctively pushed himself in front of me.
